  • 2014.09.16Today’s Class 5


  • 2014.09.12I.C.E.C. in September

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    I.C.E.C. for September was held today and Mr. Chris led today’s English lesson. Today’s topic was making comparisons and all of the attending mum’s did a fantastic job. There were many interesting and crazy examples given, “Skiing is more dangerous than work” and “Prime Minister Abe is cooler than classical music!” Mr. Chris and Mr. Drew had a fun time and we hope everyone did too. See you all on Tuesday!
  • 2014.09.10Today’s Class 4


    Class 4 had short but super fun day! As the Sports Festival approaches, everyone is getting excited about performing the Intermediate dance in front of their families, as well as the other events. After exercising with Class 7, the whole school went outside to practice the ‘Thank you song.’ When we got back it was time for phonics and an English lesson. Everyone had a good time and we crammed a whole day’s worth of activities into one morning! As we lined up to go home, all the children said that they were excited about Sports Festival practice tomorrow! Great job Class 4!
  • 2014.09.09Today’s Class 3♪

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    今日の3組は、北風公園でたくさん体を動かしました!Sports Festivalに向けて、ダンスやかけっこをしてやる気がみなぎる3組さん。ダンスでは、大きな声で掛け声を掛けたり、キラキラ光るShiny batonをもって元気な笑顔を見せていました!少しずつダンスの振り付けを覚え、クラスでも思い出しながら踊っている3組さんです。また、かけっこでも、ゴールまで力いっぱい走り、ゴールラインを通り過ぎると嬉しそうに「早かった?!」と聞く姿が見えました。外での練習が終わってからは、安江先生のお部屋に行って大好きなMusic Lessonを行いました。鈴やウッドブロックで遊んだり、School songをうたったりと、生き生きとした表情で参加していましたよ!今日はとても盛り沢山な一日で、「楽しかったね!」と満足した表情で帰りのバスに乗っていたお子さまたちでした。
  • 2014.09.08Today’s Class 2


  • 2014.09.06Mother Support Day


  • 2014.09.05Today’s Class 1


    Today’s Class 1 had lots and lots of fun practicing for the Sports Festival at the end of this month. The whole school practiced the entrance and exercise together and the Class 1 children did a fantastic job marching and lining up really nicely. After the practice had finished we played in the park, catching dragonflies and searching for berries. Today was packed lunch day and we enjoyed having a picnic in the classroom before going home. Well done everyone, see some of you tomorrow at Mother’s Support Day! Have a great weekend!
  • 2014.09.04Today’s Rabbit Class


    ラビットクラスのお友だちは今日も元気いっぱいでしたよ☆お母さまと離れての幼稚園での生活にもすっかり慣れて、可愛いい笑顔がたくさん見られるようになりました♪座ってお話を聞くことも上手になってきましたね。Mr.ShayのEnglish Lessonでは、大きな声で“Yes”と答えたり、Mr.Shayが話すEnglishを聞いて、きっと~って言ってるんだよね?と教師に確認するお友だちも増えました。6回目のLunch Timeでは準備もスムーズになり、大きなお口を開けて自分の力で頑張って食べていましたよ。今週から始まったSports FestivalのDance練習では、お母さまと一緒にポンポンを持ち、とびきりの笑顔で楽しむ姿が印象的でした☆風邪気味のお友だちも増えてきましたね。週末はゆっくり身体を休めて、また月曜日 元気なお顔を見せて下さいね。安江先生と一緒に待っていますよ♪
  • 2014.09.03Speech Ceremony


    The Speech Ceremony today was a wonderful event! Before the summer vacation children practiced different poems and made their own free speeches. They then recorded themselves speaking. In August all the overseas teachers listened to and then judged the recordings. The standard was so high. Today we had the prize giving ceremony. We were all so proud of the children.
  • 2014.09.02Today’s Koala Class


    We had so much fun today in Koala Class! The children were full of energy and ready for the day. They’ve really gotten good at listening to directions during the morning meeting and dancing to English songs.Today we talked about sea animals. A friend named “Mr. Crab” came and he brought some friends. Children played a game and sang a song that’s perfect for the sea. After lunch mothers came and together we practiced dancing for Sports Festival. It was warm today but we could enjoy the dance together!