The Class 7 children had a super fun day today. After our Immersion playtime and exercise it was time for this month’s origami craft. Mr. Johnny helped explain to the children how to fold their paper and everyone did a great job following his instructions. Today’s lunch was very special as it was chosen by the children of Class 7, so it was no surprise that everyone wanted to eat more and more. Switch Day is a great opportunity for the teachers and children to have lots of fun communicating and playing together. Great job Class 7. Mr. Chris
2015.03.02Immersion Switch Day
For Class 1 and Class 7 we had switch day. Mr Tom went to Class 1 and Mr Chris went to Class 7. In Class after the morning meeting we had an English Activity. First children had to name the countries of different flags. Next they all got balls and had to put them in the right flag boxes. The children did great and it was a lot of fun. After English we had craft time. First children decorated wallets, which they will use for a Junior shopping activity next week. After that they made the birthday present craft. Finally we all enjoyed a yummy lunch and playtime together. Thank you for a great day Class 1! Mr Tom -
2015.02.28Pri Pri Club 1
Pri Pri Club One was held today at IYK. It was so much fun! In the morning we enjoyed playtime with all the children. Next we had fun with exercise, all the children did so well. Finally we all went downstairs to meet Pig. He had trouble making a cupcake. The Monkeys, Penguins, and Rabbits all tried to help but couldn’t find fairy powder! In the end Black Cat turned up and showed us how to make fairy powder! Thank you to all the children for doing such a great job helping to make the fairy powder for the special cupcake. In the end Pig could make a yummy cupcake and we gave it to Black Cat because it was his Birthday! We all had lots of fun. Great job everyone. We are looking forward to seeing you again next Saturday!今日はPri Pri Clubの一日目で、来年入園するお友達が遊びにきてくれました。みんなでExerciseをしたり、Goodmorning songをうたい、元気に遊びましたよ。今日は幼稚園にたくさんの動物が遊びに来て、みんなでSpecial cupcakeを作りました。美味しいCupcakeを作るために必要なFairy powderを作るのをみんなが手伝ってくれたおかげで、ステキなステキなCupcakeが出来上がり、今日BirthdayだったBlack catも大喜び。楽しいダンスを踊って大満足な一日でした。来週は第二回目のPri Pri Clubです。たくさんの先生たちがみんなのことを待っていますよ!
2015.02.26Open English Lesson – Juniors
Today the Junior classes had their Open English Lessons.
Class 1 did a fantastic job in front of many mums and showed everyone their great confidence to use English. Mr. Chris wanted to show the class the new Class 1 restaurant he had prepared, but, oh no! He forgot to get the food! The children helped to identify the different food and the different countries they were from, China, the USA, Italy, India and France. The children then pretended to fly airplanes whilst wearing their pilot hats to go to the different countries to collect the food needed for the Class 1 restaurant. Everyone is looking forward to opening the restaurant up next month. Well done everyone.
Class 2 and 3 did excellent in their Open English lessons as well. I was so impressed by how much English the children could speak in front of their parents. Everyone did great remembering winter actions and the songs we did like “Skidamarink”. During our main activity the children helped Mr. Shay make sandwiches with ingredients of different shapes. The children could say shapes, ingredients, and phrases like “circle tomatoes”, “square ham”, “triangle lettuce”, and “rectangle cheese”. This was a great opportunity for the children to have fun and show all that they have learned this year. Great job, kids and thank you for coming, parents. -
2015.02.25Intermediate Open English Day
Intermediate Classes had their English Open lessons today.
Class 4 had a super fun lesson today. So many Moms and Dads came to watch, which made the day even better. The children played an English version of ‘karuta’ and answered questions about what was on each card. After a really close game where both teams tied, we broke into teams of 3 and did some listening and spelling phonics. All the kids could listen carefully and spell out the words that Mr. Ian said. Finally, the children all sang the Sesame Street song for their parents to say thank you.
Classes 5 and 6 also had a lot of fun in their Open English Lesson.
They had the challenge to find shiny shape keys that had been taken away by sneaky sea animals, and needed to say where they were (“Where is the square? Next to the shark!”) After getting all of the keys, they could open a special box, which contained phonics cards, and even a present! Lastly, they gave a great performance of “I’m a Little Teapot!”, singing with all of their heart. Good job everyone! -
2015.02.24Open English Lesson Senior
Today was the Open English lessons for the senior children. In Class 7 children had a team spelling game. They had to work together and spell the words apple, bag, girl, tent, and umbrella. The whole class did very well. After that we had our main activity. The children had to take the role of different people from around the world. They then had an introduction conversation. Boys went first, then girls, and finally the whole class. Because they did so well they got flag painting craft for the green board in Class 7. Well done Class 7. Today in Class 8 and 9 the children sung the English song they have been learning for their parents. It was pleasing to see them singing with such big voices and energy. The children also had to help Grandpa Joe get new furniture for his house. The children did this by answering questions about the five senses and going to a shop to get furniture. After spelling furniture words like bed, sofa and rug the children got a special key from Grandpa Joe. The key opened a box revealing recipes for the cooking class tomorrow. I was pleased with the effort from both Class 8 and 9 today and hope they will enjoy the upcoming English lessons. Thank you to all the parents of the senior children for coming. -
2015.02.23Today’s Class 9
2月も最後の週になりました。休み明けはいつもテンションが高い9くみさんは、今日も元気いっぱい登園してきてくれましたよ。今日は、卒園式の練習と絵本製作の5ページ目を行いました。卒園式の練習は、式の後半の証書授与や“感謝のことば”、退場の練習を初めて行い、集中した分、終わった後は自然に「はあ~」とため息とともに少し疲れた様子が見られましたが、“最後までいけた!”という嬉しさもあったようで、「これで最初からやったら、もっと長いんだよね!」としっかり座らなければいけない卒園式さえも、楽しみにする頼もしい姿が見られました。頑張ったせいか、今日の給食のわかめごはん、大学いものおかわりは、あっという間になくなってしまいましたよ。今日は5・6くみさんのプールレッスン見学日もあり、普段なかなか見られないプールレッスンの様子をご覧いただけたと思います。明日からは、英語参観日が始まり、金曜日は8・9くみのプールレッスン見学日です。お子さまの一年の成長をぜひご覧くださいね。 -
2015.02.20★Special Play★
今日は、幼稚園に劇団風の子さんを招いて、観劇が行われました。“風の子バザール”というタイトルの演目で、イタリアやミャンマー、ロシアのお話を演じてくださいました。中でも、豆を食べたネコを犬が食べて、その犬を豚が食べて、そのブタを馬が食べてしまう…。という展開が印象的だったイタリアのお話の時には、大きな声をあげてニコニコと笑うお子さま達の姿が見られましたよ。その他にも、ミャンマーの国で、ニワトリとひよこの親子が猫に食べられそうになってしまうという、少しドキドキするお話や、笛の上手な少年の演奏で近くにいる人が踊りだしてしまうという陽気な雰囲気のお話を見て、聞いて、楽しむことができた1日でした。劇団風の子さん、ありがとうございました! -
2015.02.19Parents teacher 4日目 ~Junior~
ペアレンツティーチャーでは、お父さまお母さまと一緒に楽しい活動をたくさん出来て、とても楽しかったですね!お父さまお母さま、お忙しい中お越しいただきありがとうございました。 -