  • 2016.03.03Today’s Class 1


    Today in Class 1 we started off the day with a fun playtime. Most of the children enjoyed making birthday cakes with blocks and pretending to be Teachers Assistants whilst they played. After exercising with classes 2 and 3 we had fun checking we had all our food from last weeks Restaurant playtime and put it in bags ready to take home tomorrow. Before we ate today’s yummy World Lunch we had time to decorate the snowflakes we had made before. Everyone did a fantastic job and they are very excited to visit ‘Challenge Park’ tomorrow for our last Let’s Challenge Day of the year.
  • 2016.03.02Today’s class 9


    今日はAll English Dayだった9組さん。まずは卒園式の通し練習から1日がスタートしました。初めて最初から最後まで止めることなく行ったので、途中姿勢が崩れてしまったり、集中が切れてしまう姿も見られましたが、練習が終わりお部屋に戻ると「もっと練習が必要だなって思った!」と言うお子さまがいるくらい、卒園式の練習に真剣に取り組んでいます。大好きなMr. Normと一緒にお弁当を食べてパワーアップしたお子さま達。食後の自由あそびでは、先日劇団風の子さんの劇を見て、すっかり昔遊びに興味をもったようで「あやとりやりたい!」「けんだまもやりたい!」とたくさんのお子さまが話をしてくれました。あやとりでは、遊んだことがあるお友達が先生となり、“あやとり学校”をつくって遊んだり、けんだまはコツを掴んだお子さまが「こうしたらいいよ」と友達に教えてくれたりと、とても楽しんでいました。午後はMr. Normと秘密のプレゼント作りを行いました♪Mr. Normの話をしっかり聞き、製作に取り組んでいましたよ。写真をご覧いただいてわかるように、手が色んな色になっていく度に「きゃー!見てー!」と大興奮の9組さんがとても可愛らしかったです。どんなプレゼントなのか楽しみにしていてくださいね*Good bye meetingの時に「明日も卒園式の通し練習があるよ!」と伝えると「明日はもっと頑張る!」と言ってくれた頼もしいお子さま達。また明日会えることを楽しみにしています!
  • 2016.02.29Special Day


    今日は「劇団 風の子」の方が来てくださり、観劇会が行われました。最初はこま、けん玉、あやとりなど昔からあるおもちゃの紹介があり、それぞれのおもちゃで色々な技を実践しながら紹介してくれました。難しい技をどんどん決めていく風の子さんの様子をみて、「うわ~すごーい!」などと言ったり、話しを聞いて大きな声で笑ったりするお子さま達の姿が見られましたよ♪ その他にも、母に会うため夜中、山へ行ったたぬきちという名の人間が途中でヘビに会い、食べられそうになってしまうとういう少しドキドキしたお話を真剣に聞いていたり、最後には獅子舞がでできて、怖がるお子さまや「こっとこっち~」と獅子舞を呼ぶお子さま達などとても盛り上がり、劇団風の子さんのお話をニコニコしながら見たり聞いたりととても楽しそうなお子さま達でした。劇団風の子さん素敵な観劇をありがとうございました!!
  • 2016.02.27Pri Pri Club①


     今日は、新年度に入園されるお子さま達を対象に、Pri Pri Clubが行われました。Pri Pri ClubはPrincessとPrinc Clubの略で、たくさんのPrincessとPrinceが来てくれましたよ。お友だちや外国籍の先生達ともすぐに仲良くなり、楽しい遊び時間を過ごし、その後は、みんなでExercise Time☆ 先生たちの動きをみながら、元気いっぱいに、かけ声とともに体を動かしました。そして、お楽しみのEnglish Playの始まりです! 1Fに場所を移し、Morning Meetingを終えると、楽しい音楽とともに動物たちが登場しました。キラキラに光る種を見つけたうさぎが、その種を植えるとSpecial Carrotが育ちました。でも、とても大きいのでたくさんの動物たちと一緒に力を合わせて抜きましたよ。みんなにも手伝ってもらい、抜いたCarrotでスープをつくったり、一緒にダンスをしたりと最後まで楽しく過ごすことができました。
  • 2016.02.26Junior restaurant game & emergency drill




  • 2016.02.25Open English Lesson~Junior~


    Class 1
    Class 1 were a little nervous at the start of today’s Open English Lesson. After warming up with a short phonics game everyone was feeling more confident. Today were we visited by Mr.Ian, Mr.Shay, Mr.Jason and Mr.Johnny (photographs of them, not the real teachers!) and they needed our help. They needed to borrow winter clothing so they could go play in the park. The children did a wonderful job of choosing their favourite patterns and clothing and helping to dress the 4 teachers. Once they were ready for the park we sang our special park song and watched as the 4 teachers had fun playing in the snow. Ryoko-sensei and I would again like to thank all of the parents for taking the time to attend today’s class and for their continued support throughout the past 11 months.

    Class 2 & 3
    Classes 2 and 3 had so much fun today at the Open English lesson. They did so well singing and dancing as a special present for their mums and dads. We saw our friends Rosie and Jim in their brand new snow wear. Rosie’s snow wear was so nice, decorated with lots of shapes. Jim was sad because his snow wear wasn’t cute so we visited the sticker shop. Well done everyone for remembering all the shapes in English! It can be daunting for them with so many people watching but they did a really fantastic job. Thank you to everyone who came along today; from myself, Naomi-sensei and Nao-sensei.

  • 2016.02.24Open English Lesson~Intermediate~


    Today’s open lesson for Class 4 was so much fun. The children were a little nervous at first but they were all excited to show their parents what they have learned over the past month. The lesson started with Mimi chan missing and the children had to do a spelling challenge to get find her. When the children found out Mimi chan went to New Zealand they sung a New Zealand song and did a magical Maori dance to get there. In New Zealand they helped Mimi chan get food for her animal friends and were rewarded with stickers! Once again I would like to thank all the parents for attending today and hope that everyone enjoyed today’s lesson. – Mr. Johnny

    Classes 5 and 6 did a wonderful job during their English lesson today! It was their last chance to help Mr. Hero, a character they met after winter vacation. During the lesson they were able to use lots of English. They talked about locations, like “What’s on the table?”, and their own items, like “It’s my clay!” At the end everyone was able to get a medal. The end of the lesson had lots of fun with a phonics game, and the children did so good when singing their song “I’m a Little Teapot” I was very impressed with their progress and can’t wait to see how they do next year! – Mr. Jason

  • 2016.02.23Open English Lesson~Senior~


    Class 7
    Today Class 7 had their final Open English Lesson! Today’s lesson was the third and last Texture Challenge. All the children have done very well getting ready for today by learning all about describing textures of objects. After a quick phonics exercise with some spelling, we jumped right in. Today’s challenge had them feel some objects while blindfolded and answering questions about them. All of the children did a great job and could guess the correct objects. We were very happy to see them do a well in front of their parents. Tomoko-sensei and I would also like to say thank you to all of the parents who could come today.

    Class 8 & 9
    Today was the final Open English Lesson for Class 8 & 9. The children have built their English ability over the years and were able to display their abilities today. After a morning greeting we had the children name vehicles by their sound. As well as describing the different textures and answering questions like “What is it?” and “How does it feel?” All the children did a wonderful job today. We were very happy to see all the parents who had the chance to attend.

  • 2016.02.22Today’s Class 6


    今日は、年長組のお兄さん、お姉さんに素敵な気持ちで卒園式を迎えてもらおうと、年中、年少組のみんなで玄関のグリーンボードを飾る花つくりをしました。「もうすぐお別れかぁ。」「優しくしてくれたよね。」などの声が聞かれ、年長さんとの別れを惜しみながら、みんなで心を込めてつくりました。明日、みんなが登園してきたときには貼っておくからね、と約束した通り、玄関のグリーンボードはみんなのつくってくれたキレイなお花でいっぱいですよ。明日の登園を楽しみにしていてくださいね。美味しいランチをいただいた後は、Mr.Jasonと一緒に楽しいEnglish Activity。それから張り切って外遊びに出かけました!昨日、雪が降ったことで、ソリも滑りやすくなり、雪だるまつくりや温泉つくりに精を出していました。色々な友達とかかわりを深め、仲良く遊ぶ術を身に付けながら成長している6組さん。年中さんでいるのも、あともう少し。明日も元気いっぱいに幼稚園に来て下さいね!!
  • 2016.02.19Parents teacher~Class 3 ~

