  • 2017.02.22Intermediate English Open Class (4,5,6)


    Class 4
    Today was a lot of fun for the children of Class 4. They were invited to Olmec Island to get back the Teacher’s Assistants. It was very pleasing to see all the children writing three letter words while presenting them in teams. After a quick dance the children were magically transported to Olmec Island. At Olmec Island everyone did a good job of getting magic stones to power up their keys and everyone used a big voice to complete the Olmec Island challenge. The children forgave Olmec for doing bad things to Class 4 and allowed him to become a teachers assistant. Once again I would like to extend a warm thank you to all the families that came to watch today. I hope that you are proud of the progress your child has made throughout the year.
    Class 5 and 6
    Children in Classes 5 and 6 had a great day at IYK today. Both classes received another letter from their friends The 3 Little Pigs and were put to task helping pack warm clothes in bags for their 3 swine friends who had runaway. It was fantastic to see children able to identify items of clothing and the three common patterns- spotted, striped, and checked. After children identified what they needed and packed it into the pigs bags they were pleased to see a photo of the happy pigs dressed in the clothes they had packed. Following their hard work helping the pigs the children enjoyed the ABC Challenge and singing and dancing to Skinamarinky Doo. A warm Thank you to all the families who came to watch today, it was great for you to see your children in action. With only a few weeks left as intermediate students; I feel all your children are ready to take on the challenge of being Senior students at IYK and continuing to build on their English.
  • 2017.02.21Senior English Open Class (7,8,9)

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    Class 7
    Today’s English Open Class was a great day for Class 7. All of the children had a chance to show off all that they have learned to their parents. For phonics, the children identified and spelled some longer words with very similar sounds like ‘pl’ and `pr.` They then did a worksheet where they asked their friends questions about the times they do different activities during the day, and filled in blank clocks with the correct time. When Mr. Ian left to get something, Mr. X froze him with his magic clock and the children had to battle him. By answering and asking questions about their schedules, the children defeated Mr. X and took his magic clock. All the children had a lot of fun and did a fantastic job today. We are so proud of their progress and hard work learning to tell time. Also, a big thank you to all of the parents and family members who came today. Thank you for your continued support!

    Class 8 & 9

    Both Classes 8 and 9 did a fantastic job during today’s Open English Class. There were a few friends that were a little nervous to speak in front of their mummies and daddies, but everyone tried their best and did a fantastic job using today’s target language and vocabulary with little assistance from Mr. Chris and Mr. Thomas! The children all had lots of fun riding the elevator to the IYK Department store to get presents to take with them to Elementary school. The children could have a short conversation, “What do you need?”, “I need glue, where is it?”, “It’s on the top shelf”, and locate and communicate locations with one another very well. All of the Standard Class Senior children have progressed so much this year and it has been great learning together! Thank you all of the parents for taking the time to come to the kindergarten today and thank you for your continued support over the past 3 / 4 years.

  • 2017.02.20北風公園~年中組~


  • 2017.02.17Today’s Class 1


    Today Class 1 was so fun and special. We could do so much! First, we did a phonic activity. The children could match big and small letters and make “sandwiches” for a hungry friend. After that we had Nature Discovery. We learned about making “buta jiru” soup and how so many of the ingredients can be grown all around the world. We talked about winter around the world too. Next, the children put on their smocks and cut carrots, Japanese radishes, and potatoes. We cooked the soup and had it with our lunch boxes. It was so yummy! We are so impressed by how well the children did preparing the dish. They have grown up so much over the year. Great work and good job, Class 1!
  • 2017.02.16Class 1 and 7 Switch Day


    Today was Switch Day for Class 1 and Class 7. I was very happy to be in Class 1 for the day and to do some fun activities and have lunch together. We started by all of the children telling me their names in big voices and then telling me what kind of juice they like. We then we got into groups to make a whole bunch of play orange juice for a shop activity next week. After the children had all made 3 cups each, they met Mr. Ian’s friend Choco-chan, who likes playing hide and seek. Class 1 children could tell me where she was hiding, and help her not be shy by giving her different color candies. After a yummy lunch and a quick play time, we read a fun pop-up book and said good bye. It was great to be in the classroom with Class 1 and we all had a fun day.

    Like Class 1, Class 7 was so much fun too! We started by doing a winter-themed origami craft and folded cute snowmen. After that, we played an English game. Together in groups, the children compared two different animals. Each group picked an adjective and we asked which one was “scarier” or “stronger” or “smaller”. I was impressed by how many animals the children knew. Many of them could read the adjective flash cards too. After lunch together, we continued our origami craft by coloring faces on our snowmen and winter scenes around them. I was so pleased how much the senior children could do by themselves. They showed me so much about their classroom and told me so much about themselves. It was a great day in Class 7!
  • 2017.02.15年長発表会 絵本の読み聞かせ(6組・9組)


    今日は、年長発表会の日です。年中組を招待し、10時30分に年中・年長全員が揃ってスタート!8組と9組は、俳句の発表です。2月に入って各クラス全員が一人一句、冬の俳句を考えました。今日はそれぞれのクラスで3人ずつ、合わせて9人のお子さまが自分でつくった俳句を発表しました。8組から順番に一人ずつ俳句カードをもって、大きな声で自信をもって発表することができました。聞いていたお子さまたちも、一つ一つの俳句がどんな思いが込められたものなのか、興味津々に聞いていましたよ。7組は、“Show & tell”の発表です。普段クラスで行なっている活動をそのまま、発表しました。3人のお子さまが自分でつくったものを持って登場すると、みんなからの英語の質問に答えながら、作品の説明をしてくれました。Mr. Ianの司会で参加したお子さま達も、楽しく英語に触れることができました。小学校や年長へ進級する期待が大きく膨らんだイベントでした。
  • 2017.02.14Today’s Class 8


  • 2017.02.13Mothers’ Storybook Day in Class 1 & 3


    Today in Class 1, two mothers came to read storybooks to the children. We were so happy to have them and the children really enjoyed the books they brought. One was Japanese and one was English. The first book was about a a grandpa and grandson losing their belly buttons to thunder ogres, but it was okay and fun! Next, the English book was about shopping with mommy and “What’s in the cart?” Thank you so much to the mothers who came and read. We are so thankful!
  • 2017.02.11The 15th English Speaking Contest


    The 15th English Speaking Contest was held today and the English abilities of the children was fantastic! Everyone did such a fantastic job speaking with each overseas teacher for 2 minutes (Kindergarten level) and 3 minutes (for Elementary School level) and it was lots and lots of fun for the teachers to get to know more about each child. We are all very proud and I was very impressed with everyone, fantastic job!
    – Mr. Chris
    Today’s English Speaking Contest was a lot of fun. All of the children impressed us with their English speaking abilities. They could tell the teachers not only about what they brought, but also a range of other topics. Everyone did a fantastic job, and I thoroughly enjoyed talking with each and every child. Great job!
    – Mr. Ian
    We were all so impressed by all of the children’s ability to speak and communicate in English. It was so fun talking about the objects that everyone brought! We teachers could all learn so much! Everyone did so well and today was such a fun event. We look forward to talking with everyone more in the kindergarten and at ESC. Great job, everyone!
    – Mr. Shay
    Today’s contest showcased a lot of kindergarten friends both past and present doing a wonderful job speaking in English. They were all able to do a splendid job speaking with overseas teachers for anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes overall. I was so pleased with everyone’s performance and can’t wait to see how everyone improves next year.
    – Mr. Jason
    It was so much fun to talk in English to all of the children who participated today. It was a great opportunity to learn about the children themselves and what interests them in English. I hope that all the children who participated today will continue to use English in the future. Once again well done to all the children who came and spoke English today.
    – Mr. Johnny
    The speaking contest was so fun and so challenging for all the Kindergarten and ESC kids. They did a fantastic job speaking and listening. We were all impressed by how much they have improved during the year. Their willingness to speak English is so wonderful to see. I know they will continue to do a great job in the future.
    – Ms. Candis
    Today was great fun and it was fantastic to listen to Sapporo children speaking such fantastic English with confidence and passion. I was surprised at how natural the children spoke. I know they will continue to improve their English skill and have bright international opportunities in the future.
    – Mr. Thomas
  • 2017.02.10Today’s Koala Class!

    koala3 koala4 koala5

    Today, Koala Class had their first trip to the park! We all walked together to find Snow Rabbit. Snow Rabbit had many friends and she needed our help to find them. To say “Thank you!”, the Snow Rabbit gave us some yummy oranges! After, we got to play on sleds. Koala Class loved using the sleds, going up and down the hill many times. We could also use shovels and buckets to gather snow. Koala Class pretended they were jewels they mined from a cave. After lunch, we got to eat our yummy oranges! Koala Class had so much fun. I know they will enjoy playing in the snow next time, too!