Due to bad weather, we couldn’t go to the zoo today. Instead, we had a lot of fun inside! We learned the names of some animals in Maruyama zoo. But they all ran away! Our Elephant friends helped us to find them all and return them back to the zoo. We counted the animals and got beautiful shiny stickers! Keep it up, Elephant friends!
2024.05.27Today’s Elephant class
2024.05.24Emergency Drill
2024.05.23Today’s Class 7
Today in Class 7 we had lots of fun being creative with shapes! We all cut out circles, squares, triangles and stars and used them to create different things, Pikachu, a rocket, a castle and Mario were some of the imaginative creations the children made. We then had a quick medical check from a local doctor, before practicing playing the melodions and then eating today’s yummy lunch. After lunch we had our 3rd Senior Group Activities practice, with the children doing their best and having lots of fun in the jump rope, stilts and unicycle teams. Fantastic job today everyone and we look forward to another super fun day learning together tomorrow! -
2024.05.22Today’s Class 5
Class 5 had so much fun today! The children all enjoyed the sunny weather by playing in the park. When we came back, we had an English Activity too. Today, the children helped Mr. Zookeepers cute animals go to their cute zoo. Every child could say “I can see a ~.” For example, some children said “I can see a penguin.” It was so much fun and we finished by dancing and singing along to “Do the Monkey”. Great job today, Class 5 friends! See you tomorrow. -
2024.05.21Today’s Class 6
Today in Class 6, we had a very special day! We started the day as we always do; two Teacher’s Assistants led the Morning Meeting. Then we did ECT and practiced saying “My birthday is [MONTH].” Today was the real birthday for one of our friends! After that, we played Hand Bells for the first time this year. Everyone did a great job! Next, we did a huge craft. We painted spots on cows and drew grass, flowers, and faces for them. Craft Time is so much fun! Next, we cleaned up and ate lunch. After lunch, we played with our friends, did Phonics, read a book, and had our Goodbye Meeting. Today was extra special because we ended the day by going to the park with the other Intermediate classes! We love playing at Kitakaze Park! Everyone was so happy at the end of the day. -
2024.05.20Today’s Senior
レッスン最後のゲームタイムでは「ハイタッチおにごっこ」に挑戦!オニに捕まった人は仲間にハイタッチをしてもらうと復活できるルールで、友達とのふれあいも楽しみながら参加していました。体育教室が終わると、「次はいつなのかな!」「楽しかった!」と大満足で笑顔を見せていたお子さま達でした。 -
2024.05.17Today’s Senior
今日のSenior Classでは、Group activityを行いました。実際に一輪車や竹馬に触れたり、みんなで縄跳びをするのは今回が初めてのお子さま達は、「いつになったらGroup activityの時間なの?」「一輪車、頑張ってチャレンジする!」と朝からワクワクでした。竹馬チームでは、つま先立ち歩きのやり方を覚え、競争をしたり、エレファントフィートに乗って手足を一緒に動かす練習を行いました。「エレファントフィートを完璧にして、早く竹馬にレベルアップしたい!」と目標をもって取り組んでいましたよ。一輪車チームでは、自分の一輪車をゲットし、バーに捕まり実際に乗る練習をしました。バランス感覚を保つことに苦戦しながらも何度も諦めずに挑戦する姿が見られました。縄跳びチームでは、大縄跳びを使って、縄に親しみをもつことを目標に取り組みました。ニョロニョロ蛇を飛び越えたり、縄跳びの上を歩いたりと色々なチャレンジを楽しんでいましたよ。これから、Group activityの練習が本格的に始まります。最後の発表会に向けて、楽しんで取り組んでいきましょうね! -
2024.05.16Today’s Class 4
Today in Class 4 we had a day packed full of fun activities! We were all model patients for our dental examination! We could open wide and we showed off our happy smiles afterwards. Everyone had fun playing a fun number game and easily won the challenge three times. We are all number experts! Class 4 also had a great time leveling up our origami skills during craft time. We made such lovely lady bugs, we can’t wait to draw a cool background for our craft! -
2024.05.15Today’s Class 3
Class 3 had lots of fun today. It was a short day, but we managed to fit in lots of fun activities. Once everyone arrived, we had fun during Discovery Time playing with the kitchen and Lego blocks. After cleaning up we had Morning Meeting. All the children are getting more confident to participate and call out phrases that they know. It was then time for our English Activity. We received a letter from Mr. Zoo, who wanted help finding different animals using his magic binoculars. The children searched around the classroom and found many animals such as a rhino, a zebra, and an alligator. We then marked off what we found on our checklist. After finding all the animals, we danced with Mr. Zoo. Soon it was time to have a yummy packed lunch and get ready to go home. Thank you for a fun day, everyone. See you tomorrow! -
2024.05.14トマトの苗植え 〜年少〜
今日は年少組のトマトの苗植えの日でした。まず始めにクラスみんなで、トマトの苗を観察しましたよ。「まだトマトはないの?」「葉っぱが小さいね」など気付いたことを思い思いに発言するお子さま達。その後はどのように植えるかの説明を聞きました。まず初めに土の中に苗を入れ、苗の周りに土をかけ、最後にクラスのプレートを立てることを聞くと、「頑張ってやる!」と意欲満々の様子でしたよ。実際に畑での苗植えになると、「冷たーい」「ふわふわしてる」と土の感触を確かめたりしながら、1クラスで6つずつ苗を植えました。最後は「grow grow grow!」と両手を広げて大きく育つようにパワーを送りました。8月の収穫が楽しみですね!