今日の年中組は、園庭でピーマンの苗植えを行いました。前日のFood&Lifeで、ピーマンマスターになるための紙芝居を通してピーマンの育て方や栄養についてを知り、今日の苗植えに期待を膨らませていた年中組のお子さま達。栄養たっぷりの少しひんやりした予想外の苗の感触に「あっ」と目をまるくするお子さまもいましたが、植える時のお約束を思い出しながら、無事に苗植えを終えることができましたよ。最後は‟Grow Grow Grow”のマジックワードをピーマンに届け、「私はちゃんと雑草抜くよ」「お水あげなくても大丈夫かな」「早く食べたいな~」などと、ピーマンのお世話を張り切るお子さま達でした。
2024.05.09Today’s Intermediate
2024.05.08Today’s Class 1
Today in Class 1 we wanted to go outside! It was a little cold, but we put on our jackets and took a walk. The park was beautiful and we saw big trees and new flowers growing. We had a great time walking around with our friends. After our walk, we all sat down and read a book together. We heard about a very hungry caterpillar and what he ate each day. Everyone did a great job today. We’re excited about tomorrow! -
2024.05.07Today’s Senior
今日の年長組は、園庭でジャガイモの種芋植えを行いました。まずは、クラスで「何種類のじゃがいもがあるのか」などのクイズを行いました。じゃがいもが5000種類もあることを知ると、「じゃがいもって1つだと思っていた!」と驚いた表情のお子さま達でした。実際に写真で何種類ものジャガイモを見て「まるで、ヘビのような形だね!」「今日はこのなかのどれを植えるのかな!と期待に胸を膨らませていましたよ。菜園では、市野渡先生から「これはメークイーンという種類だよ」「土のお布団は優しくかけてね」などと丁寧に教えてもらい、一生懸命植える姿が見られましたよ。全員が植え終わると「Grow !Grow!Grow!」と大きなジャガイモが育つようにおまじないを唱えました。教室に帰ってからは、Potato Diaryに絵や「We planted Potatoes」の文章をかきました。「いっぱいお世話して、大きなジャガイモを育てたいな」「8月に収穫するのも楽しみ!」と気合い十分なお子さま達でした。2024.05.02Today’s Class 9
Today in Class 9 We swam in the pool and learned how to swim backwards. For lunch we ate samurai shaped hamburger with rice and baby bamboo. It was so YUMMY! ECT we played the role of being Doctors and help many hurt patients. Another fun activity we had was JUMP BOX and HOPSCOTCH! They were so good at these games! Let’s have a wonderful Golden Weekend!2024.05.01Today’s bear class
Today was the first day for the Bear class! We had our fist morning meeting, danced and learned some new songs. The children worked hard and tried saying “I am here!” for the attendance. We also got many presents such as cute name tags and sticker cards with the first shiny sticker! After that, we had an Opening ceremony and met the teachers, the children and the parents. Great job, Beat class friends! Let’s have fun this year.2024.04.26Today’s Class 8
Today in Class 8 we practiced writing Hiragana. Everyone did great writing! Then we had our Morning Meeting and a Phonics Activity. For our English Activity we helped our friend Mr. Doctor with all the sick people. We also made our Carp Day Flags! Great job today everyone and enjoy the long weekend!2024.04.25Today’s Class 7
Today in Class 7 we had our first swimming lesson of the year! Everyone did a fantastic job and we all had lots of fun. We then had our Morning Meeting, ECT, and then started making presents for Mother’s Day. Today was also the first World Lunch day of the year and we ate yummy Cottage Pie from the UK. Great job today everyone, see you all tomorrow!2024.04.24Today’s Class 6
Today in Class 6, we had a great day! First, we read books with our friends. Then we had Morning Meeting time. Starting this week, our meetings are lead by Teacher’s Assistants! We practiced asking about each other’s mood and calling our friends by their names today. Later, everyone did a wonderful job writing the numbers from 1 to 10. We played a fun guessing game during Phonics Time, and then had our Goodbye Meeting. We ate lunch with friends from other classes after that. Finally, we ended the day with excercise and ‘The Wednesday Song!’ It was a short day, but it was SO much fun!2024.04.23Today’s Elephant Class
Welcome to Elephant Class, new preschool friends. We were so happy to meet many children and parents. Today was our Opening Ceremony and we also had a Morning Meeting and children received sticker books. After that we danced to “Everyday’s a Beautiful Day” which is a fun song about the weather. It was great to see many smiling faces. We look forward to lots of fun in English this year. Have a great day and see you all on Friday!2024.04.22Today’s Elephant Class
Today Elephant Class had a wonderful Opening Ceremony. We were so happy to meet our new friends and families. We had our first morning meeting, danced along to “Everyday’s a Beautiful Day” and got sticker books from an Elephant character. We look forward to getting to know everybody and having lots of fun in English in Elephant Class this year. Welcome and see you on Thursday!