  • 2024.06.10Today’s Class 4

    Today in Class 4, we had a blast playing on the playground with everyone in the nice warm June weather. It was so fun to test our skills and show how strong we are! On our way back from the park, we checked on our green peppers and drew such nice pictures of our growing plants in our Grow Diaries. They are getting so much bigger, and we can’t wait to see when the green peppers will begin to appear. Afterwards we exercised our brains by learning about clocks and how to read the time. We impressed our teachers by being able to show time on the clocks by ourselves. So cool! Class 4 always works so well as a team. Let’s keep enjoying each day together!
  • 2024.06.07Today’s Senior

  • 2024.06.06Today’s Class 3

    Class 3 had lots of fun today. As the children arrived, they did their best to hang up their jackets by themselves. We had Discovery Time and played together before cleaning up and getting ready for our music lesson with Yasue-sensei. We had great fun keeping time with many fun songs together. When we got back to the classroom, we played Musical Chairs and everyone enjoyed walking to the music and trying to find a chair. Soon it was time to get ready for lunch. After cleaning up and brushing our teeth, we enjoyed some play time with the other late course children in Intermediate and Senior before heading home for the day. Thank you for a great day. See you tomorrow, everyone!
  • 2024.06.05Today’s bear class

    Today we had a lot of fun with Bear friends. We already learned some colors so we made towers using colorful Lego. We did our favorite finger plays and learned a new one. Then we had an English activity! We met many animal friends and said “Hello!” to them. Some of them were really hungry so we used our food toys to feed them. At the end, all the animals were happy so we were happy too! Let’s help them again when they need it next time using English!

  • 2024.06.04Today’s Class 8

    Today in Class 8 we had so much fun! We watered our potato plants in the garden and said `Grow, Grow, Grow` to help them get bigger. For music, we practiced with the tone chimes and our waiting friends played an English Game. We also worked on our Fathers Day craft and practiced brushing our teeth with our Hippo friend! Great job today everyone. See you tomorrow!
  • 2024.06.03Today’s Class 1

    Today in Class 1 we went to Kitakaze Park! We got to play on the jungle gym and go down the slide. We practiced our balancing and enjoyed the nice weather outside. We love going to the park all the time. Today was also the last day for our helping teacher Chinari-sensei! Chinari-sensei came to IYK to learn and study, and she had a lot of fun with Class 1. We gave her a nice present for helping us, but we were still sad to see her leave. Thank you, Chinari-sensei! Good luck! Great job today, Class 1! Let’s have more fun!
  • 2024.05.31Today’s Class 9

    Today in Class 9 we had a wonderful time painting for craft time with many colorful flowers. Nao sensei always shows children carefully how to make beautiful art. For English Activity we fed zoo animals we saved last week with meat and vegetables. I think our herbivore and carnivore animal friends were very full and happy! During playtime we had a fun time with ‘How endangered is it?!’ card game. Many friends won and enjoyed seeing each other win. Many friends want a rematch next week because they want to play with their friends again! They said it was so much fun! Class 9 Let’s GO!

  • 2024.05.30Birthday Party

    今日は、5月生まれのお子さまのBirthday Partyでした。入園してからまだ1ヶ月と少しの年少さんは、初めてのBirthday Partyでしっかりとお名前と歳を言うことができましたね。年中さんも、少し緊張した様子でしたが、元気いっぱいの発表ができました。最終学年の年長さんは幼稚園で3回目のBirthday Partyということもあり、みんな自信たっぷりの表情でした。そして、先生達からのプレゼントは、今月は楽器演奏でしたよ。1曲目のハンドベルで“小さな世界”の演奏が始まると、お子さま達はみんな夢中になって聞き入っていました。2曲目の“さんぽ”は元気いっぱいに歌をうたい、3曲目の“Days of the week”ではEnglish Teachersの体の動きを楽しそうに見ながら歌っていました。4曲目の“ハイホー”が終わって、School songの前奏がかかると「School songだ!」「これ、3番までうたえる!」と生き生きとした表情がみられ、メロディーが始まると全園児での大合唱になりました。短い時間でしたが、音楽を通して楽しいひと時を過ごすことがでたようです。5月生まれのみなさん、“Happy Birthday!”
  • 2024.05.29Today’s Class2

    Today in Class 2 we had lots of fun during Discovery Time. We played many things and got to practice speaking English as we played. After Discovery Time, we went to Kitakaze Park and saw our tomatoes on the way there. At the park, we played on the playground. We had so much fun sliding and swinging with our friends. We returned to IYK and had Book Time. We practiced our English during Goodbye Meeting and finally went home. Great job today, everyone! It was so much fun!
  • 2024.05.28Today’s Elephant class&Senior

    Today we had our first field trip to Maruyama zoo. It was so exciting! First, we got sticker cards to fill them with cute shiny stickers as we find animals. Then we took some pictures and got going! We went to the monkey house and saw them playing around. We were lucky to see some orangutans too. We saw an elephant family with a cute baby elephant. We sad “Hello!” to the lion and ended our trip in the giraffe house. Many friends could not wait to see them! We learned so many animal’s names we can talk about later. We hope parents had a lot of fun as well!

    今日の年長組は、サツマイモを植えにさとらんどへ行きました。バスの中では、サツマイモについて絵本で学び、「サツマイモのお花は朝顔みたいだね!」「サツマイモは根が大きくなるんだね!」など、学びを深めていました。また、以前IYKガーデンで植えたジャガイモとサツマイモの違いについても学び、よりサツマイモを植えることへの期待を高めていましたよ。さとらんどに到着すると、係員さんが丁寧に植え方を教えてくださました!苗の向きに気をつけながら植えたり、軍手が泥だらけになるほど何度も土のお布団をかけてあげていましたよ。最後に、サツマイモが大きく育つように「Grow !Grow !Grow!」とみんなでMagic wordを唱えました。10月に、サツマイモを掘りに行きます。どれほど大きく育つのか、楽しみですね!