  • 2020.02.19Open English Class ~ Senior

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    Today was Open English Class day for the Seniors. In the morning, Class 7 invited their parents to watch their English Activity. We received 3 challenges from ‘i-Spy’, the first was a series of mazes. In pairs, the children had to navigate the hungry animals to the food using the commands, “Go forwards __ steps, turn left, turn right” etc. The next challenge was to put the sentences of the story Cinderella into the correct order. In their teams they did excellently reading and ordering the story. The next challenge was to play a card game about Endangered Animals, asking each other, “How endangered is it?” and “How many are left?” before defeating ‘i-Spy’ in a final round of the game. Everyone used lots of English and it was great to show all of the parents how much, how naturally and how enthusiastic the children speak English each day here at IYK. Thank you again to all of the parents that attended today.

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    In today’s Open English Class, Class 8 were able to make delicious pizzas using lots of toppings, including broccoli, cheese, and sausage. To do this, they asked each other “Which toppings do you want?” and everyone took it in turns to say “I want __ and __, please.” I was very impressed to hear everyone saying “please”, “here you are”, and “thank you”. Class 8 also put slices of pizza into their pizza boxes and sent them to the nurse, pilot, teacher, fire fighter, farmer, and chef in a special delivery truck. To do so, they used English sentences such as “Where does he/she work?” and answered using the sentence “He/she works in the ___.” Everyone did their best to speak in a big voice. Well done, Class 8! I’d again like to thank all parents who took the time to come today.

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    Class 9 worked very hard in today’s Open English Class. They completed a Phonics Challenge in groups to spell three-letter words in English. They wrote words such as ‘cat’, ‘bat’, ‘ten’, ‘pen’, and ‘dog’. They also used their spelling skills to write the secret five-letter password and unlock the fridge. Inside, we found lots of pizza toppings from our friend Giuseppe, including green peppers, mushrooms, and tomatoes. We made yummy pizzas by asking our friends “Which toppings do you want?”, and everyone was able to pick 2 toppings. We then carefully put our pizzas in the oven and, while we waited, we sang the ‘Pizza Song’ in a big voice: “There was a class at IYK, and they love yummy pizza!” We had lots of fun and everyone did such a good job, speaking and singing confidently. Good job, Class 9! Thank you again to all of the parents who took the time to join us today.
  • 2020.02.18Today’s Class 4


    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. First, we had a swimming lesson in the pool. It was great to see all the children trying their best to swim on their backs and everyone enjoyed the playtime at the end. After that we had a morning meeting followed by making birthday presents for three of our Class 4 friends. We also had a little bit of sketchbook and clay time followed by lunch time. Today’s lunch was the request lunch and the children could eat a lot of curry. After lunch we learned how to write some of the new three letter words. Playtime followed this and the children really enjoyed listening to the Hyogen Festival CD and dancing to all the songs again. All in all it was a great day in Class 4.
  • 2020.02.17Today’s Class3


  • 2020.02.14Today’s Koala Class


    Today in Koala Class we had outside play! The children enjoyed the snow even though it was a bit wet and not fluffy. They could enjoy sledding, digging, and making “cakes” with snow. After playtime in the snow we came back to the kindergarten and had morning meeting and lunch time. Everyone was very hungry! After lunch, the junior class children came to Koala Class. Next time we will join them for shopping, so they showed us the items they will sell and gave us money. Next time we have shopping and music. Let’s enjoy it and great job today, Koala Class!
  • 2020.02.13Today’s class 2


  • 2020.02.12Today’s Rabbit Class


    今日も元気に登園してきたラビットクラスさん。雪遊びを楽しみに来てくれました。公園では雪のケーキ屋さんごっこやそりすべり、かまくらに入っておうちごっこなどを楽しみました。最後は大きな雪だるまと一緒にハイポーズ!バケツに入れた雪を持ち帰り、部屋で観察をしました。「小さくなってきたね」「溶けるんだよ」「氷になるんだよ」と想像しながら興味津々に観察していました。明日はどうなっているか楽しみですね。とても楽しい雪遊びでした。たっぷり雪遊びをした後はお腹がすいてお母さまが作ってくれたお弁当を「おいしいね」と勢いよく食べていました。2月生まれの友達のバースデーソングを歌ってお祝いもしました。明日はEnglish Lessonがあります。元気いっぱいなラビットクラスさんに会えることを楽しみにしています。
  • 2020.02.10Today’s Class 1


    Class 1 had a fantastic day today. As soon as everyone arrived, we suited up for the cold and went to Kitakaze Park to play in the snow. It was deep and perfect for making snowballs! We all had a blast sledding and running around, and before we knew it, it was time to head back inside. After doing the Morning Meeting we started making our Hina Matsuri dolls. The children chose lovely patterned origami paper and folded kimonos, then made heads and stuck them on. Today’s lunch was rice ball cooking, so once we all had our plates, we squeezed the rice and made rice balls together. It was very yummy! After lunch we had some Discovery Time and the class helped put the finishing touches on some items that we will sell when we do pretend shopping soon! Have a great day and see you next time!
  • 2020.02.08IYK Speaking Contest


    The 18th IYK Speaking Contest was held today and it was so much fun! The kindergarten children came in the morning and did a fantastic job. They showed excellent skills in English listening, pronunciation, intonation, communication ability, use of full sentences and great effort to speak only in English throughout the contest. The children visited a farmer in his farm, a zookeeper at her zoo and a fisherman at the beach and completed tasks and communicated in great English to earn their stickers. It was a really close competition and it was unfortunate that there could only be 3 winners per grade as everyone showed fantastic English enthusiasm. In the afternoon we held the Elementary level contest, with the children doing a similarly great job, this time tackling Eiken 5th, 4th and 3rd grade listening questions, as well as the higher grade children preparing and performing short presentations as their Speaking Test. It was great to see such a high level of English being spoken and everyone that entered should feel very proud of their efforts and we hope you feel encouraged to study harder and to challenge yourselves more with your English education. Again, well done everyone and thank you to all of the parents for their continued support.

    If you entered or not, we are looking forward to seeing you at next year’s Speaking Contest

  • 2020.02.07Today’s Class9


    今日のClass9は、盛りだくさんの1日。まずは、ずっと楽しみにしていたCookingです。「何をつくるのかな?」と朝からワクワクしていたお子さま達は、Mr.Danのクイズにもノリノリで答えていきます。いろいろなヒントをもらい、みんなで「メキシコ!」と答えることができました。今日のCookingは、メキシコ発祥の料理であるタコスをつくりました♪クラスごとに、パプリカ、ブロッコリー、キャベツを細かく刻んでいきます。さすが年長組さん、「猫の手だよ!」と教え合いながら、手際よく包丁を使って切っていきます。自分達で切った野菜や、ソースを乗せて食べたタコスは、とっても美味しかったですね♪午後からは、雪の絵を描きました。昨日は絵の具を使って雪を描いたので、その上から雪遊びの絵やスキーの絵を描ていきます。「これは友達と雪だるまをつくっているところだよ!」「北極のペンギンを描いてみたよ!」と、それぞれオリジナルの雪の絵が完成しました!最後に、Class9が楽しみにしていた実験結果の発表です。水曜日に凍らせた色水、いったいどのように凍っているのでしょうか・・・「Let’s open!」の合図で蓋を取ってみると、「わー!」と歓声が起きました。同じ色のまま凍っているものと上と下で色の濃さが違うものがあり、「やっぱり同じ色だった!」「下のほうに絵の具が沈んでいるのかな?」と楽しそうに観察していましたよ。「これを溶かしてみたい!」という声が聞こえたので、月曜日まで幼稚園に置いて溶かしてみることにしました。二つ目の実験の結果が楽しみですね♪
  • 2020.02.06Today’s Class 8
