Class 8は毎日とにかく元気で、個性豊かなクラスでした。そしていつもいろいろな楽しいお話を聞かせてくれ、笑顔をたくさんくれました。お子さま達との思い出は、話し出すときりがないほどたくさんありますが、年長組として一日一日を重ねるごとに根気強さや思いやりなど、心がどんどん育っていき、成長を感じるたびにとても嬉しかったです。小学校では、楽しいことだけでなく、乗り越えなければいけない辛いこと、難しいことも沢山あるかもしれません。でも、みんなならばどんなことでも乗り越えていけると信じています。たくさんの楽しい思い出をありがとうございます。素敵なお兄さん、お姉さんになってくださいね! なお先生
Class 9は、友達思いで、笑顔がとっても素敵なクラスでした。たくさんの行事や毎日の活動を通して、友達と協力することや諦めずにがんばる気持ちなどたくさんの成長が見られ、とても嬉しかったです。今日の卒園式は、練習とは少し違ったけれど、みなさんの真剣な表情や、お話を聞く姿勢はとてもかっこよかったですよ。そんな9組さんは、きっと素敵なお姉さんお兄さんになるんだろうなと楽しみにしています。これからも、笑顔いっぱいのみなさんでいてくださいね。ずっとずっと応援しています。今までありがとうございました。 しおり先生
Today was Switch Day for Class 1 and 4, so the children had a different homeroom teacher for a day, giving them the chance to experience a different way of teaching, talking, and technique from another English teacher. Both classes started with exercise, calming, and Morning Meeting. In Class 1, the children learned about mixing colors and started working on a pinwheel craft. In Class 4, children learned about the Ojibwe people and their dream catchers, and the children then began a craft to make their own dream catchers. A little later, both classes paused their crafts for Immersion Presentations where Class 1 taught Class 4 a new dance, and Class 4 gave Class 1 a flag and character quiz. After that, Class 1 finished up their pinwheels and did some code-breaking to get their colors back from a polar bear, and Class 4 finished up their dream catchers, had a short conversation time about the scary things the dream catchers catch, and hung the dream catchers in the window. Lastly, Class 1 and 4 had lunch together. Both classes were very welcoming to their switch-day teachers, and they did a great job with the crafts and presentations. Thank you Class 1 and Class 4!
Class 2 and 3
We had so much fun in Classes 2 and 3! The children really enjoyed speaking English while making snowmen and dancing. They helped Mr. Snowman make snowmen friends! We were very impressed by the children’s speaking to ask one another “How are you?” When it came time to make snowmen, they could all say sizes like “big”, “medium”, and “small” and many children remembered locations such as “on the top”. Every child could speak in front of their classmates and say full sentences like “I have a hat.” We did the “Snowman Dance” and sang the “ABC Song” too! Thank you so much to the parents and family members who came today. We hope you could enjoy seeing your children communicating in English with confidence. The Junior children have made so much progress this year and have so much fun with English. Great job, everyone! See you next week.
The children were very excited to take on the three challenges of Mrs. Thief and get the Class 4 alphabet treasure back. We warmed up with a quick English finger-play and I spy quiz from the teachers assistants. Next was the first challenge. This was singing an English song. Everyone could sing in a nice and clear voice and the first challenge was completed. The second challenge entailed children putting back three letter word puzzle cards back together and presenting them to the class. Everyone could read their three letter words very well in a big voice. The final challenge was the world quiz challenge. The children had to work in teams to put flag puzzles back together, assemble characters from different countries and identify the correct map. Everyone could do this very well and the children were successful with all of the quizzes. Class 4 could find a key for the magic machine and they were able to get all the treasure back and are well on their way to becoming Class 7! Well done Class 4!
For over a week, the children have been looking forward to visiting Queen Grandmother’s Clock and Watch Shop. However, Queen Grandmother was sick today, so the children worked together to open her shop for her! We started out by playing a matching game to make teams of shop helpers and delivery helpers. All the children were able to ask and answer “What do you have?” and “I have a/an [shape]” clearly and loudly. After that, the children used instruction cards from Queen Grandmother to place the clocks and watches they had made onto the shop shelves, asking each other “Where does it go?” and answering “It goes ____” with confidence. Finally, the children helped complete an ABC board by matching phonetic sounds to pictures and placing them on the ABC board. Today, the children did a wonderful job making teams, setting up Queen Grandmother’s shop, and completing the ABC board using phonics! It will be exciting to see them take on new English adventures as seniors! Great job, everyone!