  • 2020.07.02Today’s Class 4


    Today was a lot of fun in Class 4. We started with discovery time where the children became interested in maps. This was followed by What’s the time Mr. Wolf. Before morning meeting we recieved a letter from Cinderella where we learned about maps. After morning meeting we did some art using paint. This was followed by a yummy ramen lunch. The children really enjoyed the lunch so they wanted to make a ramen shop after lunch. We did this and did some more alphabet writing as well as a goodbye meeting. Well done Class 4!
  • 2020.07.01Today’s Class3


    今日は大好きな Miss Dorothyと一緒にEnglish Lessonを楽しんだ3組さん。顔のパーツがなくなってしまった、アンパンマン、メロンパンナちゃん、ドキンちゃんにeyes, ears, nose, mouthを戻してあげる活動でしたよ。”What’s do you want?”の問いかけに、”May I have a mouth please!” などと元気いっぱい答えていました。友達同士で聞き合う、“How are you~ちゃん(くん)?” “I’m happy!”など、feelingを聞き合う活動もとても楽しそうでした。Lessonの後は、Lunch Time!「今日の給食は何かな~?」といつも楽しみにしているお子さま達。準備も手際よく進めることができるようになりました。友達と一緒に楽しく食事をする中で苦手だった野菜が食べれるようになったりと、自分でできることを増やし、自信に繋げているようです。さあ、明日はどんな一日になるのかな…また元気なみんなに会えることを楽しみにしていますよ☆
  • 2020.06.30Birthday Party (April, May, June)




    Today was a very special day at IYK, because we celebrated the birthday’s of many children. It was the birthday party for children with birthdays in April, May, and June. As we had many birthday friends today, we had three separate birthday parties! We had one for Juniors, one for Intermediates, and one for Seniors. First, we asked the birthday children to tell us their names and how old they were. Then we gave them special presents and wished them a happy birthday in a big, happy voice. Everyone had lots of fun helping to find the birthday cake for the Three Little Pigs. Good job, everyone!

  • 2020.06.29Today’s Class 2


    The children in Class 2 had a very fun day today. Everyone is getting very good at putting away all of their things in the morning. After Discovery Time, we played Simon Says with Class 1, and then had our Morning Meeting. Today we practiced numbers in Japanese, as well all went fishing for crabs with English letters, which we matched to pictures starting with the same words. We also set up an obstacle course, and the children could call out “Slide!” “Crawl!” “Jump!” and “Roll!” as they went through it. After a yummy lunch, we had playtime. Then it was time for a story and Goodbye Meeting. The day went by very quickly, and everyone was excited to see their parents again. See you tomorrow!
  • 2020.06.26Today’s Class 1


    Today in Class 1 we traveled through the deep, dark forest to get to Grandmother’s house. We brought her cake, flowers, and a colorful teapot we made. But the big, bad wolf was waiting for us. He was hungry, so we gave him yucky food to make him run away. The wolf was scary, but Class 1 friends were very brave. Then we had a party with Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood. After that, we had to find the first letter of our name on ice cream scoops. Everyone was able to find the correct letter! Afterward, we made a super tall ice cream cone. Once we were finished, we traveled back through the forest. We made a long, colorful snake by matching the correct colors, and practiced our animal impressions. Everyone in Class 1 enjoyed eating their lunchbox during lunch time. They said it was very yummy. Then we played together, and got all of our things ready to take home for the weekend.
  • 2020.06.25Today’s Class 9


    今日も元気に登園してきたClass 9のお子さま達。最近は俳句がとても大好きで、松尾芭蕉や小林一茶など、様々な俳人に興味をもち、名句を読んで楽しんでいます。文字かずの時間に登場するもじもじ仙人との活動では、数列の穴埋めに挑戦しました。もじもじ仙人とのChallengeが大好きなお子さま達は、「こんなの簡単だよ!」と嬉しそうにワークに取り組んでいましたよ。午後からはEnglish lessonにも参加しました。Mr. Doctorに”What’s wrong?”と怪我をした場所を聞き、ばんそうこうの処方をするゲームでは、自信をもって英語のフレーズを言うことができました。レッスンの後には、北風公園でリレーをして遊びました。男の子チームと女の子チームに分かれて行った競争では、次のお友達にバトンタッチするまで一生懸命に走る姿が見られ、白熱した戦いを見せてくれましたよ。明日は楽しみにしているグループ活動があります。パワーを満タンにして幼稚園に来てくださいね。
  • 2020.06.24Today’s Class 8


  • 2020.06.23Today’s Class 7


    Today, Class 7 had lots of fun! This morning, we went to Kitakaze Park with friends in Class 4 and Class 8. We had lots of fun playing soccer, rugby, and tag, or playing on the monkey bars and swings. Recently, Class 7 have been learning about constellations, or star patterns. During today’s English activity, we used clay and straws to make lots of different constellations, and we did our best doing a Class 7 Constellation Quiz. Everyone did so well making many different patterns and guessing which constellations their friends made. After lunch, we played together and made lots of interesting things. Lately, Class 7 have been doing their best to use hula-hoops. Good job, Class 7!
  • 2020.06.22Today’s class 6 & 年中組体育教室




  • 2020.06.19Today’s Class 5 and Elephant Opening Ceremony 4 and Senior group activity



    We had a wonderful Friday and could meet even more Elephant Class friends. It was nice to see lots of smiles and hear English! Many friends could say “hello”, “goodbye”, and repeat “Sticker please”. The children played really well together and enjoyed many of our toys. We are looking forward to seeing everyone next Friday. Let’s enjoy learning about greetings and doing a craft.
