2025.02.21Today’s Class 5
Class 5 had a fun filled day and enjoyed learning lots of English. First thing in the day, we practised our “tie a bow” exercise on our calendars. We are very good at tying bows now after practising every single day! Then we had E.C.T and got to talk about our favourite things. We have gotten really good at talking about what our favourite things are, such as colours, animals, characters and fruits. Learning to tie a bow also helped a lot of us with our next activity which was swimming. Now we can tie a bow with the drawstrings on our swimsuits! We had so much fun and we are getting very good at swimming on our own with water wings and using the floats to swim across the pool. After, we got to enjoy play time and a yummy lunch! It was a great way to end the week and we can’t wait to come back and have more fun learning English! Well done Class 5 and keep up the good work! -
2025.02.20Intermediate Open Class
Class 4 had so much fun completing IYK-kun’s super special final challenge! They remembered the season items so well and could sort them by spring, summer, autumn, and winter. They worked hard to use full sentences and speak in nice, big voices. They had a blast dancing to and singing the season song together. Thank you very much to all the parents who could attend today, and thank you for all the continued support throughout the year. Everyone was so proud to show their family what they have learned!Class 5 did an amazing job today in open class, showing their families how hard they have worked this term. They did super well in E.C.T, talking about their favourite things like colours, fruits, animals and characters. They really enjoyed finishing the final challenge and were even able to tell everyone their favourite seasons at the end for IYK-kun. We very much appreciate all the parents who attended today and hope you enjoyed yourselves watching the children have fun learning English. Thank you!Class 6 had a great time speaking English together and practicing new sentences! They stood nicely, sat quietly, cheered happily, and spoke confidently. Their smiles and happy energy brought warmth to this cold day. Class 6 children really can act like Seniors now, so they earned today’s Super Special Sticker! To the parents who joined us, thank you again for coming and supporting Class 6! They were very happy for a chance to show you what they learned. -
2025.02.19Juniors’ Open Class
Today Class 1 had a great time flying all over the world to help Mr. Zookeeper and the animals from the zoo. We were able to use big voices to ask “Where is it from?” to ask about all the different animals. Everyone tried very hard and did their best. We were even able to remember the different continents of Asia, Africa, South America, Australasia, and Antarctica while we were flying around. Thank you so much for doing your best, and thank you to all the Mommies and Daddies who came to watch today!
Today was so fun for Class 2 friends! Everyone moved around like animals to find the zoo, and the children used big voices to ask what the animals were and where they were from. The children did a great job getting their animals and putting the animals on the correct continents. Class 2 did such a great job helping the babies get back home to their Mommies, and we had so much fun singing. Thank you to all the parents for coming today, and great job, Class 2!
Class 3 friends had a great time helping Mr. Zookeeper during today’s Open Class. All of the children used nice big voices to not only identify lots of animals, but also what continent they were from. There were lots of smiles as the class took the animals from the IYK Zoo to the various continents using airplane wings to get there! We were very happy to show the parents what we have learned. Thank you so much to all of the parents who could attend today, and to all the family members for their continued support throughout the year! -
2025.02.18Senior Open Class
Today Class 7 did a fantastic job during our last Open Class of the year. The children had lots of fun riding in the elevator to the IYK Department Store to collect stationary for their Hawaiian friends. We were so happy to see many friends using loud and confident voices in front of their parents. Thank you again to all the parents that could make it to come and watch today. Let’s enjoy the last 17 days of IYK!Today Class 8 did a great job during the Open Class. We had to buy stationery for our Hawaiian friends and everyone did well saying the different items. While at the store, everyone was fantastic as the store staff asking “What do you need?” and saying where the items were, and customers answering with “I need a pencil. Where is it?”, for example. Great job today Class 8, and thank you to all the parents for coming and supporting the children!Today Class 9 had so much fun during today’s Open Class. The children enjoyed buying items with pretend money and using toy scanners to scan them. They could take turns asking “How much is it?” and answering “It’s 60 yen,” for example. Everyone also did excellent singing and dancing along to “All the Children Ready for Big School”. We hope that they can show their families their excellent singing and dancing at home. Great job today! -
2025.02.17Today’s Class 4
Today in class 4 we started out the day with some fresh air in Kitakaze park. It was such a great day for sledding! After getting plenty of playtime outside, we came back in and started a new origami craft. We learned how to fold a couple super cool penguins. We did our very best to master some new difficult folding methods and everyone’s penguins look so cute! Next, Class 4 did a fabulous job working on a number print. We impressed our teacher’s by counting backward–wow! Everyone is getting so good at writing numbers neatly. Today was so much fun! We can’t wait to keep working on the origami craft tomorrow! -
Class 3 had lots of fun today. After everyone arrived, put away their bags and hung up their jackets by themselves, today’s Teacher’s Assistants led the Morning Meeting. Everyone lined up for English Conversation Time. Class 3 friends are doing well at asking each other where different animals are from. Then it was time to finish our Hinamatsuri craft. We used crayons and glue to make cute Hina-sama and Dairi-sama dolls to display. Soon it was time for yummy packed lunch. It’s fun to eat on picnic sheets. After brushing our teeth, we had Discovery Time until story time and the Goodbye Meeting. We had lots of fun today. Have a fun weekend, and see you on Monday! -
2025.02.13Today’s Class 2
Today in Class 2 was lots of fun. We colored some cute pictures about Canada’s culture during Discovery Time and then did Morning Meeting and Phonics Time. We had a music lesson today where we learned how to play the handbells, and after, we practiced writing the numbers six through ten. Our day ended after Goodbye Meeting and reading a book. Today was so much fun. Great job today, Class 2! -
2025.02.12Today’s Bear class
Today we did fishing with our Bear friends! But they were not regular fish, they were shape fish! We caught some circle, square and triangle fish. They were all different colors! We had a lot of fun catching the fish, saying the colors and the shapes. We also helped them to return home safely in the right aquarium. After class we tried out the new uniform for the next year. Our friends look great in it! Let’s have fun again next week! -
2025.02.10Today’s Class 1
In today’s Class 1 we had so much fun! Swimming in the pool was so much fun and and we had a great time. We practiced going around the pool like crabs. We also did our best jumping through the water and going under water. We have really enjoyed practicing our swimming all year, and today we had a little bit extra time to swim around freestyle. After swimming we went back to our room to dry off. While we were drying off, we worked on a craft! We are making a fun craft for the Dolls Festival and today we got to use paint to make dots with our fingers. We also practiced writing our names in English. We have worked so hard on the alphabet and we are getting really good at writing English letters. Today was a great day in Class 1, and we can’t wait for more fun this week! -
2025.02.0822nd English Speaking Contest
The IYK children, as well as the ESC students, who participated in our 22nd Speaking Contest today all did such a great job. The children did their best to speak and converse in English about a variety of topics. They also took a listening test that tested their comprehension ability. Some children had lots of confidence while others were a little nervous, but everyone tried really hard and we saw lots of happy faces. Before going home, we handed out medals to the children with the highest scores in each level, and all of the children got presents for their great effort. Thank you to everyone who came today, and thank you to the parents for your support and encouragement. We hope the parents are proud of their child’s accomplishment, and we are already looking forward to next year’s Speaking Contest!