さて、お子さま達が一日の園生活を充実させ、多くの自信をつけていけるよう日々教育活動を進めておりますが、そのベースになる生活する上で欠かせないのは、『基本的生活習慣』です。基本的生活習慣には、①食事 ②排泄 ③睡眠 ④着衣・脱衣 ⑤清潔の5つがあります。生きていく上で欠かせない『食事』。特に幼児期は「おなかがすいた」というリズムをもち、食べたいものや好きなものが増え、食を営む重要な基礎づくりの時期です。たくさんの友達や先生と食事する楽しさを感じ、お弁当や給食をつくってくれたお母さまや給食の方に感謝の気持ちをもちながら、少しでも多くの食材を食べられるように声をかけています。また、おなかをテーブルにつけて前を向いて食べる、はしを人の方には向けない、など食事中のマナーも友達と確認し合うことで身に付いていきます。人間の健康を守り、成長発達に欠かせない『排泄』は、特に年少組は定期的にトイレに行く時間をつくり、自分からトイレに行くことができるよう促し、失敗してしまっても、「トイレに行きたくなったら教えてね。」と次につながる言葉をかけております。体温調節や皮膚への刺激から身体を保護するために衛生的で季節に合った衣服を身に付ける意識を育てる『衣服の着脱』は、裏返しにならないよう脱ぐ、丁寧に畳んで整理整頓する、身だしなみを整えるなど、自分のためだけではなく、みんなが気持ちよく生活するための社会的な目的もあり、人間として自立する習慣付けの重要な柱でもあります。手を洗う、歯を磨く、衣類を『清潔』にすることは病原菌を体内にとりこまないための基本的な保護です。また後片付けは、次に使うための便宜であるとともに、物がいつも整理整頓されていると生活しやすくなる、というこちらも社会的意義があります。いつも綺麗で清潔に過ごすために手洗いうがい、お片づけを自分達でできるように促しております。(『睡眠』は次号でお伝えします。)
While spring has finally come, there are still some cool days. The carp flag is flying high, but the plants in the garden are looking a bit cold. Hopefully all of the energy from the children can warm them up and help them grow.
The weeks since the Opening Ceremony have passed in a flash. The senior class students are full of confidence after becoming the oldest students in the school, and want to challenge a lot of things like “I want to be able to do the iron bar!” or “I want to learn to write well!”. The new intermediate level students were a bit overwhelmed by all of the open space on the first floor, but they are settling in nicely, learning to clean up after their selves and follow directions. The junior students are having a new experience every day, but are learning to listen to their teacher, get ready for activities, and more.
With a few weeks having already passed, the children have finally gotten the hang of their respective grades, and are enjoying the day. However, sometimes in getting adjusted to a new environment, the kids can sometimes experience stress, fatigue, and homesickness. This can be especially true after this coming Golden Week vacation. A lot of children can regress after spending so much time at home. But once they are past this, the real kindergarten life begins. Please keep an eye on your child over the vacation.
In order for the kids to gain confidence from the activities they do each day here at IYK, they need matching life skills. These skills include 1. Meals 2. Toilet 3. Sleep 4. Getting dressed and 5. Washing. One very important thing is getting in a rhythm of taking meals when they get hungry, as their favorite foods and such increase. It is important for them to enjoy mealtime, and the effort that goes into meals, as well as their ingredients. They learn to sit nicely at the table, not point their chopsticks at others, and other manners. Teaching toilet skills includes going to the toilet as a group, as well as encouraging children to go themselves. Even if they don’t make it in time, we tell them to “Let us know when you have to go next time.”
Teaching the children what to do with their clothes begins with wearing clothes that match the season, while also putting them on and taking them off nicely, and folding them nicely. This is one of the basic pillars of personal independence. Cleanliness involves washing up after the toilet and meals, as well as brushing their teeth and keeping their clothes clean. This is to prevent the spread of sickness. Cleaning up well also keeps things organized, and easier to use the next time, also important life skills. We always encourage washing up and cleaning up after their selves. (I will talk about sleep next time).
It is in these ways we reinforce the basic life skills need for existing in society. Reinforcement includes “Repetition”, “Doing it together”, and “Being happy when it is done.” We are looking forward as teachers to the day when the kids are happy they can do many things by themselves. Until then we will help them as best we can.