Birthday Party◇Speech Contest
今日は1月生まれのお子さまのBirthday Partyがありました。一つお兄さん、お姉さんになった18人のお子さま達が(残念ながら一人のお子さまはお休みでした。)幼稚園のお友達の前で、お名前や年齢を大きな声で答えることができていました。お子さま達は幼稚園のみんなからの歌とバースデーボードのプレゼントをもらってとても嬉しそうな笑顔を見せてくれましたよ。その後は、先生方からのプレゼント!今月は、パネルシアターをつかったクイズでした!「フライパンだ!!」「わかった!注射だ!」などと、どのクイズにもみんな一生懸命に答え、大盛り上がり!最後は、「お誕生日の時に食べる、甘くて美味しいお菓子は何だ?」という問題に、元気いっぱいに「ケーキ!!」と答えてくれました。また一緒にクイズをしましょうね!
Today we also held the awards ceremony for this years Speech Contest. This year there were many entrants and choosing the winners was a very difficult process! The standard was very high and everyone did a fantastic job. Thank you all very much for all of your hard work over the Winter Holidays, learning and practicing for the contest. I am looking forward to listening to many more entries next year! Well done everyone.
Today we also held the awards ceremony for this years Speech Contest. This year there were many entrants and choosing the winners was a very difficult process! The standard was very high and everyone did a fantastic job. Thank you all very much for all of your hard work over the Winter Holidays, learning and practicing for the contest. I am looking forward to listening to many more entries next year! Well done everyone.