朝の挨拶から、自由遊びの時間、Morning Meeting、クラス活動、Lunch Time、そして帰りの時間まで、外国籍教員と触れ合い、生活の中で英語を耳にし、時にはリピートしたり、時には知っている又は覚えた英単語、英文を口にして外国籍教員とコミュニケーションをとっているI YKのお子さま達。イマージョンクラスにおいては、クラス内のHTとの会話、行動の指示、活動の振り返り等が英語で進められ、さらには絵本の読み聞かせ、アルファベットの読み書きも日常的に行われているため、目、耳、手、体全体からより多くの英語量がインプットされ、アウトプットに移行されています。
Winter is in full swing. 2016 is right around the corner. We hope the holiday season finds you and yours well.
This past month saw the addition of two new overseas teachers to the staff, with another one joining from January of next year. This brings the total number of overseas teachers at IYK up to eight people. They come from a variety of countries, like America, Canada, New Zealand, and England. The kindergarten is alive with English in all of the classrooms. It has also been ten years since the first Immersion Class students graduated.
Kohetsu Sugawara, our principal, always had the approach to English of “Teaching it to the children during a time when they are subconsciously absorbing English during class activities and play is most effective.” That is the progression we are aiming to complete. The language centers of the brain begin to function a lot from two years of age, are well rounded by nine, and complete by ten. At around three or four years of age, if real, native English is conveyed to the children, it will have a profound effect on their ability to learn and absorb. It even stimulates their brain from an overall educational perspective. Because of this, it could even be said that it is impossible to gain perfect speaking and pronunciation with any language started after this crucial period.
English, or bilingual, education follows the same teaching pattern as classes taught in Japanese, and follows the same pattern for learning that a baby might in learning their first words. It begins with hearing the words of the overseas teacher, and through repetition, getting used to the sounds as input. It follows with imitation, or using the same phrases to express themselves as well. This is when memory helps in increasing the available vocabulary. It ends with the construction of sentences, and using grammar to form complete expressions.
The children’s day in English starts from the moment they arrive with a greeting, to play time, to the morning meeting, to class activities, to lunch time, all the way up until the goodbye meeting. This whole time they are in contact with overseas teachers, sometimes repeating after them, sometimes recalling things they learned to say before. In Immersion classes, all of the directions and activities are advanced in English by the homeroom teacher, and include picture books, writing exercises, and more. This leads to the eyes, ears, hands, and whole body getting more and more used to English all the time.
The expression goes “We get good at things we like.” The children at IYK love the English teachers, and English by extension. We will keep working hard to see their English ability improve as the years go by, and do this by providing the best possible English environment. We look forward the coming year.
Please be careful, as influenza cases are on the rise recently. Thank you.