HOMEMESSAGE FROM IYK > 「心の窓をひらく」絵画造形活動




「幼児画は幼児のこころの窓」これは、菅原孝悦園長先生のことばです。この言葉の通り、お子さまが描いた絵には、伝えたいことばや思いが詰まっており、またその中には生活体験の豊かさや、環境に対する態度、さらには、思考や欲求も表現されています。「絵が描けない。」これは絵を描く経験が乏しく、感じた心を表出する方法がわからないからです。人は本来、感動体験があればそれを伝えたいという欲求に駆られます。語彙数がまだ少ない小さなお子さまにとって、絵はその気持ちを自由に表現できる格好の場。それを「できない」と思わせてしまっているのは「汚くしてはだめ」「上手に描かなくてはだめ」と描くことに制限をしている大人かもしれません。広いオープンスペースで伸び伸びと絵を描いたり、様々な素材を用意し、作品づくりを楽しめる環境が充実した絵画Mont h。お子さま達の心の成長、そして表現技能の成長へとつなげていければと思っております。

     Fall is finally here. The children all tried their hardest at the Sports Festival, and had lots of fun. Thank you for taking the time as a family to offer your warm support. We would also like to deeply thank the members of the PTA who helped us out from practice days through the actual event.

     It applies for every event, but Sports Festival wasn’t just about practicing one set of skills. Each grade learned since April how to listen properly, line up when told, and move along with the music. The chance to present these results came at Sports Festival. This was especially true for the senior class groups, a feature new to this year. The children began practicing those activities since May, and their desire to get better and perform in front of a large group of people was wonderfully surprising. The junior and intermediate classes also grew a lot since the first term, showing their spirits in dances and games. The desire to perform well in front of a crowd, and warm support that they received from their families gave the children lots of self-confidence and satisfaction.

     Now we move into an enjoyable October. Class activities in this month aim to expand the children’s understanding of their senses with regards to shapes, colors, tastes, sounds, etc. For this reason it is also Art Month, a great opportunity for the kids to put their newly developed senses to work in creating new artwork and fostering an appreciation for art in general.

     ”Art is a window into children’s hearts.” This is a quote directly from our principal, Sugawara Koetsu. Just like it says, the art children produce can be a glimpse into what they are thinking or wanting to say, as well as their environment, lifestyle, and wants or needs. Children who talk of not being able to draw are just often inexperienced in transferring their feelings to the paper. Humans have a basic desire to want to convey their experiences to others. Art is a great way for smaller children to convey their feelings at a time when their vocabulary is still limited. Children who feel they can’t draw may be being told by adults that it isn’t okay to be messy, or they can only draw good pictures. Art Month is about using lots of space, different tools, and make art in an enjoyable environment. We hope it broadens the children’s horizons and expression skills.

     The children have begun to notice the changing color of the leaves. Please take the opportunity as a family to acknowledge when your child picks up on these sort of changes in the environment, and compliment them on their noticing the beauty in nature.
