HOMECURRENT EVENTS > Mother Support Day 3

Mother Support Day 3


第3回目の子育て支援日はお楽しみにしていたぶどう狩りです!前日は雨でしたが、みんなで唱えた“Sunny! Sunny! Sunny!”のおまじないのおかげで雨も止んでくれました。出発前から「何個ぶどうを食べようかな~?」「いっぱい食べるぞ!」と意気込んでいたお子さま達。ぶどう園に着いて、つるになったたくさんのおいしそうなぶどうを見るとたちまちニコニコになりました!年少さんも先生に手伝ってもらってぶどうをとり、たくさん食べていましたよ!年中、年長さんは自分で手を伸ばしておいしい色になったぶどうを取って食べていました!大満足で果樹園を出て、公園でランチです!ぶどうもたくさん食べたけれど、お弁当も残さず食べていましたよ。ランチを食べ終わったお子様から元気いっぱい走り回ったり、滑り台を滑ったりして楽しんでいました♪第3回の子育て支援日もお子さま達の笑顔いっぱいの1日になりました!
Today, for this years’s 3rd Mother’s Support Day we went to pick grapes. Since the farm was a little far away, the children played games with teachers and learned about grapes during the bus ride there. Once we arrived at the farm, they could pick and eat any grapes they wanted. There were many varieties to choose from! The children seemed so happy and enjoyed being outside and picking grapes. After that, we went to a nearby park for lunch. The children may have eaten many grapes but still had room for yummy lunch boxes prepared by their parents. After playing some at the park, we came back to the kindergarten and concluded an excellent Mother’s Support Day. It was a great day full of fun and everyone was full of delicious grapes!