Entrance Ceremony
今日は新しく入ってくる年少さんの入園式が行われました!初めは、お母さまやお父さまに手をひかれ、ドキドキしながら幼稚園に来たお子さま達でしたが、先生を見つけると元気にGood morning!とあいさつする姿も見られ、自分のクラスの名札を付けてもらうと嬉しそうに座って先生のお話が始まるのを待っていました。入園式ではたくさんの動物が出てくる劇を見ながら”Yellow!””Red!”など色を教えてくれたり、ニコニコ笑顔でとても楽しんでいる様子でしたよ。お部屋に戻ると、みんなの分のスティッカーブックがあり、毎日シールを貼れることを聞いてとても楽しみにしていました♪明日から幼稚園が始まります!お子さま達が笑顔で幼稚園に来てくれることを楽しみに待っていますね。
Today was the Opening Ceremony for our new Junior friends here at I.Y.K. All of the children were fantastic and there were many smiles and lots of English. The children first got their new name badges and met their new teachers for the year. We then all watched a special teacher’s play where we met a penguin, pig, rabbit and mice all starting their first day of Kindergarten too! We are all very excited here to start the school year from tomorrow and cannot wait to see everyone in the morning! Great job everyone.
Today was the Opening Ceremony for our new Junior friends here at I.Y.K. All of the children were fantastic and there were many smiles and lots of English. The children first got their new name badges and met their new teachers for the year. We then all watched a special teacher’s play where we met a penguin, pig, rabbit and mice all starting their first day of Kindergarten too! We are all very excited here to start the school year from tomorrow and cannot wait to see everyone in the morning! Great job everyone.