Pri Pri Club 1


Pri Pri Club One was held today at IYK. It was so much fun! In the morning we enjoyed playtime with all the children. Next we had fun with exercise, all the children did so well. Finally we all went downstairs to meet Pig. He had trouble making a cupcake. The Monkeys, Penguins, and Rabbits all tried to help but couldn’t find fairy powder! In the end Black Cat turned up and showed us how to make fairy powder! Thank you to all the children for doing such a great job helping to make the fairy powder for the special cupcake. In the end Pig could make a yummy cupcake and we gave it to Black Cat because it was his Birthday! We all had lots of fun. Great job everyone. We are looking forward to seeing you again next Saturday!

今日はPri Pri Clubの一日目で、来年入園するお友達が遊びにきてくれました。みんなでExerciseをしたり、Goodmorning songをうたい、元気に遊びましたよ。今日は幼稚園にたくさんの動物が遊びに来て、みんなでSpecial cupcakeを作りました。美味しいCupcakeを作るために必要なFairy powderを作るのをみんなが手伝ってくれたおかげで、ステキなステキなCupcakeが出来上がり、今日BirthdayだったBlack catも大喜び。楽しいダンスを踊って大満足な一日でした。来週は第二回目のPri Pri Clubです。たくさんの先生たちがみんなのことを待っていますよ!
