俳句会/ Immersion Day
今日は、スタンダードクラスのClass 6・Class 8・Class 9が集まって、俳句会を行いました。日頃からクラスで取り組んでいる俳句活動。年中組は同じ文字から始まる言葉をつなげてつくる「あいうえお俳句」の創作に親しみ、今回は2つのグループに分かれて考えたオリジナルの俳句について、どんなことをイメージしたのかを絵に描いて発表を行いました。年長組は「五・七・五」からなる俳句を一人ひとりが考え、Class 8は『冬の季語』、Class 9は『春の季語』を入れた俳句を各クラス3名ずつが発表してくれました。どの俳句も、子どもらしい視点や発想が存分に発揮された作品ばかりで、「筋肉なんて面白いね」「クリスマスだから冬なんだ」などと、それぞれの俳句にお子さま達も興味津々。今後も俳句活動を通して日本語の面白さに気づいたり、初めて聞く言葉に興味をもつきっかけになれるよう取り組んでいきたいと思っております。
The immersion classes had a lot of fun together in Immersion Day. We all started off with the Intermediate/Senior exercise before splitting up into two groups. The Junior friends worked really hard to learn the new exercise. Class 5 presented how they have been learning about many foods from around the world and the countries they are from. The children in class 5 did a great job at matching the flashcards on the board. Class 2 showed the other friends their “continents zoo.” The friends watching asked questions while Class 2 said what animals they were holding and the continents they are from. Class 7 presented what they wanted to be in the future. They showed poster they made of different occupations. Next, they went into the time machine to change into their future selves. Class 4 presented flying things and world food. It was very pleasing to see children describing things that they had made. Well done to all the children who participated in today’s Immersion Day.
The immersion classes had a lot of fun together in Immersion Day. We all started off with the Intermediate/Senior exercise before splitting up into two groups. The Junior friends worked really hard to learn the new exercise. Class 5 presented how they have been learning about many foods from around the world and the countries they are from. The children in class 5 did a great job at matching the flashcards on the board. Class 2 showed the other friends their “continents zoo.” The friends watching asked questions while Class 2 said what animals they were holding and the continents they are from. Class 7 presented what they wanted to be in the future. They showed poster they made of different occupations. Next, they went into the time machine to change into their future selves. Class 4 presented flying things and world food. It was very pleasing to see children describing things that they had made. Well done to all the children who participated in today’s Immersion Day.