★Hyogen Festival★
Hyogen Festival2日目の今日は、Class 3、Class 5、Class 6、Class 7の発表がありました。
見に来てくれたお客さまに沢山のHappyを届けよう♪を目標に今日を迎えたClass3のお子さま達。控室で「さるかにMusic、Let’s go!」と気合いを入れてステージに向かいました。ちょっぴり緊張してしまいましたが、みんな楽しかった!!と大満足の表情を見せてくれていました。Good job☆Class 3!
Class5 put on their Hyogen Festival performance today. Everyone was a little bit nervous when they arrived, but soon got into the spirit and had a great time. First they took to the stage with their handbells to play ‘Mickey Mouse March.’ Then we put on our costumes and got ready for the English play, ‘Hansel and Gretel.’ The children of Class 5 decided on their own actions and dances and did a fantastic job today. Hansel and Gretel were able to make friends with the Witch and live happily ever after with the Mothers and Fathers. Thank you to all the family members for your ongoing support. We hope you enjoyed the show!
今日の日を楽しみにMusicやオペレッタに取り組んできたClass 6のお子さま達。ステージで演じることが大好きで、本番の今日も『ドキドキ』よりも『楽しみ』の気持ちの方が大きかったようで、いつも通り元気いっぱいの姿をご覧いただくことができたと思います。この経験を自信につなげ、かっこいい年長組さんに向けてみんなで力を合わせて頑張っていきます!Class 6のみんな!よく頑張りました!!!
Class 7 were extremely excited for their Hyogen Festival this afternoon! The children arrived with big smiles wearing their smart clothes, ready to perform in front of their families. Class 7 first performed two songs using the tone chimes – ‘Morobitokozorite’ and ‘Edelweiss’. Despite being a little nervous, everyone was able to concentrate very well, listening to the music and making beautiful sounds with the tone chimes. Next, the children performed their English play, ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’. The children have been practicing very hard over the past month to remember their English lines, gestures, and dances. Thank you to everyone who came to show their support! We hope you enjoyed the performance.
見に来てくれたお客さまに沢山のHappyを届けよう♪を目標に今日を迎えたClass3のお子さま達。控室で「さるかにMusic、Let’s go!」と気合いを入れてステージに向かいました。ちょっぴり緊張してしまいましたが、みんな楽しかった!!と大満足の表情を見せてくれていました。Good job☆Class 3!
Class5 put on their Hyogen Festival performance today. Everyone was a little bit nervous when they arrived, but soon got into the spirit and had a great time. First they took to the stage with their handbells to play ‘Mickey Mouse March.’ Then we put on our costumes and got ready for the English play, ‘Hansel and Gretel.’ The children of Class 5 decided on their own actions and dances and did a fantastic job today. Hansel and Gretel were able to make friends with the Witch and live happily ever after with the Mothers and Fathers. Thank you to all the family members for your ongoing support. We hope you enjoyed the show!
今日の日を楽しみにMusicやオペレッタに取り組んできたClass 6のお子さま達。ステージで演じることが大好きで、本番の今日も『ドキドキ』よりも『楽しみ』の気持ちの方が大きかったようで、いつも通り元気いっぱいの姿をご覧いただくことができたと思います。この経験を自信につなげ、かっこいい年長組さんに向けてみんなで力を合わせて頑張っていきます!Class 6のみんな!よく頑張りました!!!
Class 7 were extremely excited for their Hyogen Festival this afternoon! The children arrived with big smiles wearing their smart clothes, ready to perform in front of their families. Class 7 first performed two songs using the tone chimes – ‘Morobitokozorite’ and ‘Edelweiss’. Despite being a little nervous, everyone was able to concentrate very well, listening to the music and making beautiful sounds with the tone chimes. Next, the children performed their English play, ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’. The children have been practicing very hard over the past month to remember their English lines, gestures, and dances. Thank you to everyone who came to show their support! We hope you enjoyed the performance.