HOMECURRENT EVENTS > Immersion Day & 俳句発表会

Immersion Day & 俳句発表会


Today, all the immersion classes had a special Immersion Day. We came together to give a presentation to the rest of the children about what we learned in our February English activities. Class 1 had been learning about Chinese New Year, and they showed everyone what you can see duing Chinese New Year. They even showed us a special dragon dance they learned with dragons they made. Class 2’s presentation was about shapes. They learned many different shapes, and had to find the right shapes to finish their pictures. Class 4 showed us how different things are powered. They made helicopters, paper airplanes, and even greenhouses. Class 7 performed the story book “Dinosaur Roar” using dinosaur puppets that they made. They also quizzed everyone on which dinosaurs were carnivores and herbivores. After the presentations were finished, we split up into our special immersion groups to play some English games and eat lunch together. Everyone had a lot of fun mixing classes and getting to play with different friends and teachers. We can’t wait for the next Immersion Day!
スタンダードクラスでは、俳句発表会を行いました。朝から「今日は俳句を発表する日だね!」と、発表会を楽しみにしていたお子さま達。年中組はあいうえお俳句を、年長組は575の俳句を発表しました!Class 5は、魚がさかさまになっている様子を表現した「さかなが さかさま さしすせそ」というあいうえお俳句を発表してくれましたよ。Class 6は「おでんが おいしい あいうえお」と、アツアツのおでんが美味しそうなイラストと共に発表してくれました。年長組は、春をイメージした俳句を発表しました。小学校への期待や、春という季節の嬉しさなど、気持ちのこもった素敵な俳句に、「わ~!素敵だね!」と大きな拍手が湧きました。年少組と年中組のお子さま達は、進級してそれぞれあいうえお俳句や575の俳句に挑戦することを楽しみにし、年長組のお子さま達は小学校に行っても四季折々の俳句を詠むことに期待をもっていました。これからも、俳句にたくさん触れて楽しみましょうね♪