防災避難訓練③ ~地震~ / Today’s ICEC
Today’s International Cultural Exchange Club was held in Odori Park. It was a beautiful day, and we were lucky enough to find a picnic table that everyone could sit at. Today’s topic was talking to foreigners, and we examined both natural and unnatural questions that are often asked. There are so many international events happening and coming up, and it is no longer rare to see people from all over the world walking through the city. Mr. Ian and Mr. Chris lead some conversations about how best to approach people who may need help, as well as getting everyone to talk about their own experiences overseas communicating in English. It was very thought provoking and interesting to hear the different ideas of how to talk about different topics, as well as hear some different cultural points of view. The time went by very fast. We would like to say thank you to everyone who participated today. We hope to see you at the next ICEC!