
4、5月を通して、幼稚園生活にすっかり慣れてきたお子さま達。特に年少組は、Swimming lesson、Music lesson、歯科検診、内科検診、外遊びなど、クラス活動以外にもたくさんの「新しいこと」を経験しました。不安で泣いていたお子さまもいましたが、「プールには、“たこさん”がいるかな?」「お砂場って“すな”があるんだって!」と可愛らしい声も聞こえ、一つ一つの活動の終わった後に聞こえる「あ~楽しかった!」と言う笑顔には、少し自信が見られます。年中、年長組もそれぞれの活動に意欲的に取り組んでいます。
Spring is in full effect with green leaves, cool breeze and warm weather.
The children have become accustomed to the Kindergarten through April and May. They have had swimming lessons, music lessons, dental examinations, health checks and outside play. Some children have been anxious and cried, but there have also been some children who said “Is there an Octopus in the pool?” and “There is sand in the sandpit”.
In June there is teeth week. Teeth are known as the most prized human treasure.
As we gain knowledge, think about things, draw pictures or write words, lift heavy objects teeth play an important part in all of this.
Recently there has been a problem arising among Kindergarten children who can’t chew properly and take time to swallow. Chewing a lot helps the brain back into action and the flow of blood through the body.
In order to increase chewing power one must chew things that are hard.
At about the age of three children have twenty teeth known as milk teeth. These become normal teeth at the age of about six. As these teeth are changing a childs brain is also developing along with it. Strong teeth come from brushing and ensuring proper chewing regime. Teeth are with you for lifetime and we need to be taken care of.
Thank you to all the parents who came to the parent teacher interviews. One and a half month had passed since the start of the term. The childrens have became used to their homeroom teachers and the next major event at the kindergarten is the open class.