
Warm days are continuing and spring is coming into full effect. The carp are swimming vigorously in the Kindergarten grounds and the children are coming to Kindergarten happily.
During the entrance ceremony some children were crying. However, after the first few weeks the children have stopped crying and have become more comfortable with their teachers. The children are most happy during lunch box time which their parents have prepared. Parents, please feel at ease as the children are doing their best to become independent. It is surprising to see how much the children grow each day.
This Kindergarten strives to foster the learning and growth of young children as it is a very important time in their lives.
Eating breakfast is very important. Eating breakfast helps the brain to move. Going to bed and waking up early is also important. Children need this time to grow as melatonin is released. Also the hormone that increases motivation and concentration is released as well as the hormone which helps you wake up. The proverb “A sleeping child is a growing child” is well known and means a good nights sleep is the key to achieving this. The children need breakfast and sleep as a base to go out into society and gain the skills of greeting, self awareness and keeping rules. At this Kindergarten we always encourage the children with “Early to bed, early to rise with breakfast”. From now we will be entering a long holiday. We hope the children will keep this routine during the holidays with encouragement from their parents.
May signals the start of Reiwa. We hope to foster the children’s beautiful heart with a focus on new culture and the power to start a new generation. We will do our best as teachers to ensure this.