
As the new year has passed the supermarkets are getting their beans ready for Setsubun which means time has passed very quickly this year so far.
From Setsubun on wards the Winter season is heading towards Spring. February at the Kindergarten is the month of “Finishing Off” for the children as they graduate and move up to the next grade.
Junior Grade children are becoming more curious and are asking questions like “Why?”, they are also becoming more capable at to express and think for themselves. They have more control over their bodies, they are trying to do things by themselves, they can make judgements through looking at their surroundings, can move well to music and have improved their daily lives.
Intermediate children are able to think for themselves before acting. They can get along with their friends, can solve fights together and are considerate of others and they also have a sense of justice and courage when things are not fair.
Finally, the Seniors who will be graduating are able to operate fully by themselves. Parents may wonder about why their child always clash with other children. However, the children have become able to deal with each other and situations as well as increasing their interest in letters, numbers and increasing their first for knowledge.
This Kindergarten follows the model of Indago (Discovery Time), Confero (Class Activity) and Imago (Learning Time) daily. The children understand that they will move up and grow through out the month of February. It is said that Kindergarten children have intrinsic powers to educate themselves. Children can play well with each other during Discovery Time and become curious and interested in what they discover, they can expand this with their classmates during the class activity and learning time.
Time passes quickly as the children grow and the third term has events such as the English open lesson which doubles as an opportunity to see the growth of your child. Let’s have a great time in this important third term together.