
さて、これから9月15日に行われる「Physical Festival」に向けて、秋を感じながら園外で活動することも多くなってきますが、実は幼稚園のお子さまの中にも「虫嫌い」のお子さまが多くいらっしゃいます。部屋に虫が入ってくると、怖くて目が離せなくなってしまったり、お弁当を外で食べるとき、敷物の上に蟻一匹でも上がってくると、お弁当を食べられなくなってしまったり、また逆に虫をみると興奮して、足で形がなくなるまで踏みつぶしてしまうお子さまもいます。
「豊かな人間性」とは感動する心、美しさを感じる情緒が不可欠です。先日行われましたCrops Thanksgiving Dayは、IYKガーデンで育って収穫した野菜でカレーライスをつくり、もちをついて食べるお祝いの日で、園長先生が「人間を活かしてくれる食べものと、そのいのちに感謝する日」として行っております。これからどんどん秋が深まっていきますが、自然の変化を目や耳、体で感じ、虫や植物、動物の「いのち」に触れられるよう、ご家族の方もぜひお子さまに話しかけていただければと思っております。
It has been two weeks since the children have returned form their summer vacation. Also it is the start of Autumn in Hokkaido.
This year the temperature has sometimes been higher than Honshu and humid days have continued from Obon, Autumn is often known as a comfortable season. The children have grown so much since spring and should get into a rhythm during Autumn of eating well, whilst Spring foods include small fish that have calcium, Autumn has foods with a lot of protein and vitamin C.
The beginning of Autumn means physical festival is on the way and a lot of activities are held outside, however some of the children have been sayings things like “I don’t like insects”. Some children are scared when insects come inside the kindergarten or when they are outside and an insect lands on a lunchbox the children don’t want to eat the food that has been touched. There are also children who squash insects.
Kindergarten children have likes and dislikes such as insects and food but they can also appreciate the beauty in things like flowers and music. However, through getting to know nature, especially Autumn they can build heart. By looking at insects closely one can appreciate their shape, movement, uniqueness as well as listening to the sound leaves make in the wind, the change of Autumn colours, the Autumnal marine life, the height of the sky, and the long clouds. Autumn is a season known for it’s sounds and colours so it is easy to build heart from it.
“Better Humanity” felt through the heart can feel unlimited beauty. Yesterday was Crops Thanksgiving Day and the children could eat the vegetables they harvested and mochi as well as celebrating the words of the principal. These words are “Let’s celebrate the food which nurtures us”. Autumn is a season where many things change and I hope that you can talk to your children about this.
There are many events in the second term, and I hope that you will enjoy this with your children.