
幼稚園では「Nature Discovery」という時間があります。これは「命の大切さ、自然、そして地球とのかかわりを学ぶ」というねらいで、最初は菜園活動が主な活動でした。その後、菜園活動に加え教師劇やクイズなどを通して野菜の大切さ、外国の食文化などにも触れてきました。そして今年度は、管理栄養士の松平先生が中心になり、各学年で「食べ物」と「食事のマナー」について学ぶ時間も設けられています。食事のマナーでは、の持ち方や食事中のやってはいけないことなどを教えて下さったり、また、今後は3色食品群(あか・きいろ・みどりの食べ物)について学んだり、一緒にcookingをすることも予定しています。松平先生が給食時間、クラスへ来てくれると、「先生!見て、使っているよ。」と嬉しそうに見せるお子さまや、苦手な野菜なども食べてみようとするお子さまもおります。「食」は体の成長や健康に過ごすために欠かせないものです。園庭の菜園活動とともに、「Nature Discovery」の時間を通して、「食」や「自分の体の成長」についての関心が高まればと思っております。
The seasons are changing, with a comfortable breeze and green in the trees.
In April and May, the children took the time to get adjusted to daily life here, and build the base they would need going forward. They made new friends and gained confidence. Going into June, they will be able to enjoy their daily activities more.
The sounds of summer, like the breeze, or birds chirping, can help children to relax and shed stress. The colors and sounds are important too, and link to things like the smells of soil or feeling of grass. Insects are active this time of the year, and seeing them interact is a great example of the circle of life.
Feeling nature like this, with all of our five senses, really shows how human beings are part of nature too, and many different organisms live together in harmony. At IYK, we aim to get outside of the kindergarten a lot, especially to places like Kitakaze Park, where we can make contact with nature. Having experience with nature is one of the best things for the curiosity that arises at this age, with regards to science and nature.
Here at IYK we have “Nature Discovery”. It is a chance to learn about the earth, nature, and living things. At first, it dealt with primarily gardening activities. This all changed when one English teacher from Korea who had studied biology in university introduced the topics like insects, vegetables, and more. Microscopes were even used. These days, the nutritionist has been teaching about different foods and manners. We are learning how to hold our chopsticks, and proper mealtime behavior. There is a plan to have cooking activities based around our three food categories (Red, Yellow, and Green). When the nutritionist visits a class during lunchtime, many children are happy to show they are using their chopsticks, or trying to eat vegetables they may not like. Meals are something we can’t skip when growing and being healthy. We hope that gardening, along with Nature Discovery, give the children a better appreciation of meals in general.
June has oral care week, and time memorial day. It is a chance to talk with the kids about why we brush our teeth, and the best way to do so. We also help them think about their own lifestyle patterns. Having a healthy body makes all the things we do each day that much more fun.