Let’s enjoy English!

さて、幼稚園生活を楽しむお子さまは、この3週間でEnglish teacherともすっかり仲良しになり、“Good morning”と笑顔で挨拶を交わしています。菅原孝悦園長先生が本園の特色として掲げる「バイリンガル教育」。「音」の好き嫌いがない「ヒアリング適齢期」の幼児期は、「ことば」を「音」として吸収していきます。そして、英語を母国語とするEnglish teacherがお子さま達の身の回りで、その「ことば」を使って日常的にかかわりをもって生活することで、生活英語が自然と耳に入っていきます。さらに、英語特有の「音」や「リズム」を歌やゲームなど「楽しく体を動かすlesson」を通して身に付けていきます。つまりお子さま達は、自然と日本語を覚えたように、英語も自然と身に付いていくのです。“Let’s go downstairs!”と聞いて、「goは行くで、downstairsは階下へだから、下の階へ行くことだ。」と誰も大人のように単語や文法を考えて行動していません。“I’m cold.”と聞くと自然と「寒い」仕草をしたりします。たくさんの英語をその時々、さまざまな状況で聞くことで自然と理解していくのです。そして読み・書きに興味をもち始める年中から年長組は、アルファベットを書くことにも意欲的に取り組んでいきます。
今年度はご父母の皆さまが英語でEnglish teacherに話しかけたり、お子さまに声をかける姿が見られ、英語に関心があると共に、お子さま達にとって幼稚園だけではなくご家庭でも英語の環境を大切にされているように感じました。English teacherもご父母さまと英語で話すことをとても楽しみにしております。お子さまと一緒に、英語を楽しんで参りましょう。
Spring is in the air, and just like the plants outside, the children are growing all the time, full of curiosity and energy. It has been three weeks from the Entrance and Opening ceremonies, and the new children at the kindergarten are slowly getting more used to things, and even beginning to think “That looks fun.” Or “I would like to try that.” They join in on activities with nice big smiles on their faces.
With the cold air out of the way, spring is really a time for the children to grow. If you think of growing as an expansion of the child’s body, which means that spring is a great time for mental growth, too. It is also a big time to develop their locomotion, or walking. Our feet serve almost like a second heart or mind, providing our own brain with stimulus through various actions. The character for foot in Japanese is composed of mouth and stop. Putting a child in sandals or overly fashionable shoes at an early age could lead to slower development when it comes to getting around. Giving them more comfortable shoes, especially with outside play coming soon, means they have a real chance to improve their motor skills.
Now, over the last three weeks, one thing the children have really enjoyed is making friends with the English teachers. They greet them with a nice, happy “Good morning!” every day. Bilingual education is one of the ideals set out for by our president, Kohetsu Sugawara. Children of this age don’t dislike sounds, so they can take in the “sound” of a foreign language easily. With English teachers around all the time, the children can hear this sound more often, and as a result, be exposed to useful everyday English. There are also songs, games, and lessons full of activities to help them learn.
Essentially, the children can learn English as naturally as they learned Japanese. If they hear “Let’s go downstairs!”, they know the word stairs, and down, so they can infer the meaning themselves. When saying “I’m cold.”, more often than not they shiver to show emphasis. There have been chances to hear lots of different English in lots of different situations. In the Intermediate and Senior classes, the children are even being introduced to reading and writing when it comes to the alphabet.
This year I have seen a lot of instances of parents using English with English teachers, or watching as English teachers spoke with the children. For the children, it provides an English environment that extends beyond IYK and all the way to their house, which is nice. Our English teachers look forward to the chance to speak with you, the parents. Let’s enjoy English together.