Koala Class Last Day& ESC Graduation
Koala Class Last Day. Today was a very special day in Koala class. It was our final class and we invited our Mums to come and watch us. We wanted them see how much we have progressed this year and how much fun we have in class. Firstly, we presented our morning meeting routine and then we had an English lesson. Our English lesson involved fun activities with our new friend Miss Penguin. Everyone used the English phrases “I can …..” and “May I have…., please”. As It was our final class for the 2017-2018 school year we also did a special song and dance to show our parents how much we appreciate their help preparing and bringing us to class. After class we had a very special visit from Emi sensei, we were presented certificates of congratulations. Everyone was very happy. We have had a very special year together.
Today we also held the Englsh Speaking Club’s graduation ceremony. There are 9 children that will graduate after 5 years of studying with us here during our ESC lessons. It was fantastic to have so many children make such a huge commitment to English and continue to join us week after week. All of the English teachers are very impressed by your hard efforts over the past 5 years and hope you will continue to enjoy, learn and speak English long into the future! Thank you again to all of the paretns for taking the time, not only to join us today, but to bring your children and to encourage and support your children’s English education for such a long time. You should be very proud of your children for making such a great start to their lives as English speakers.