
さて今年度は、菅原孝悦園長先生が、幼稚園の創立以来力を入れてきた「ことばの発達」と「知的好奇心の高揚」をねらった「幼児画」の指導で「教育委員会賞(地区学校賞)」をいただきました。幼児画を幼児の「ことばの代わり」と捉え、幼児の心の中を覗き見る窓「心の窓」として、その指導に教職員一丸となって取り組んできた絵画活動。一年を通して、たくさんの素晴らしい作品が生まれました。また運動面では、特に3学期は各クラスで「がんばり表」をクラスに掲示し、縄跳び、跳び箱、鉄棒、ボールなど、できるようになることが増え、毎日熱心に取り組む姿、そしてその上達ぶりには驚かされました。さらに3学期に行われたEnglish Recital Contest、English Speaking Contestでは、たくさんのお子さまが参加され、自分の思いをEnglishで伝えたり、listening testにも挑戦する姿が見られました。
The sun is beginning to poke through the clouds as March is upon us. The year is coming to a close. This year, the kindergarten was the recipient of the District Education Award. This is something that came as a result of our Principal, Koetsu Sugawara, putting so much emphasis on “development of vocabulary” and “curiosity” for his art directives. Pictures can serve as a substitute for words, and a window into a child’s feelings. For this reason, it is something all of our teachers hold dear. So many great pieces were drawn and painted over the course of the year.
Regarding exercise, from the 3rd term, classes have had “Try Your Best Boards”, allowing children to chart their progress in things like jump rope, catch, and more. The progress that the kids have made has been amazing. The third term also had the English Speaking Contest and English Recital, which showcased how well the children have been doing to learn English, too.
Government research has shown that the best researchers and human resources come from environments that fostered curiosity. These people have even testamented that the key to their curiosity came from nurturing parents and teachers. Other reasons were a love for reading and observing nature.
It goes without saying, but amazing pictures can’t be drawn, jump rope jumped 100 times, and English learned right away. It comes from sketching with friends and having advice from a teacher. It comes from setting a realistic goal like everyone jumping 10 times each, and feeling the desire to try harder. It comes from small improvements in activities and free time, and being praised for it. This is how we grow to do more things.
German philosopher Immanuel Kant says humans are the one creation that must be educated. We cannot pass our days without goals or challenges, and must be aware of ourselves. Principal Sugawara calls a “journey of self”.
With March here all of the children will be taking the next step in life. We all hope the best for them. Thank you everyone for your support and understanding this year.