HOMEMESSAGE FROM IYK > 非認知的な心の育ちを大切に



 いよいよ明日からは9月です。9月は北海道の秋の始まりで、一年中で心身ともに、一番充実する季節とも言われています。幼児期は、春に身長が伸び、秋に体重が増えるというリズムをもっていますが、幼稚園でも、この成長のリズムに沿って、給食の献立を工夫したり、園外活動も活発に行って、頑健な「体づくり」に取り組んでまいります。その中の大きな活動の一つが「Physical Festival」です。今年は9月17日に行いますので、どうぞご家族の皆さまで、お楽しみください。なお今年度は、毎年練習を行っている幼稚園近隣の北風公園が、再整備工事を行うということで、バスに乗って二十四軒公園や農試公園へ行って練習をすることもあります。お子さまの体調管理も含め、ご家庭にお力添えをいただくことと思いますが、どうぞご協力下さいますよう、よろしくお願いいたします。


 「非認知的能力」が伸びやすい環境は、「楽しむこと」。落ち着いて安心して過ごす中で、自分からやってみたいという気持ちをもって取り組み、安心できる場で、それに自分なりに「どうやったらいいか考えること」です。Physical Festivalでは、様々な競技にお子さま達は挑戦しますが、ぜひ本番までの過程、お子さま達のやる気、取り組み方を見守り、応援していただければと思います。そしてわれわれ教員もお子さま達が好奇心をもって「楽しく取り組むこと」を一番に、環境を整えてまいります。2学期もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

The children’s happy voices have returned to the kindergarten. The vegetables in the garden have grown a lot, but it seems the children have too, with all of the love they have been getting at home. They told their teachers about all of the things they did during the vacation.

Tomorrow marks the start of September. Said to be the beginning of Hokkaido’s fall, it is also a very rich season. During childhood, there is a lot of growth in the spring, while wait is gained in the fall. We are trying to adhere to that rhythm at the kindergarten as well, making changes to the menu as well as activity ideas. The biggest thing for this is “Physical Festival”. It will take place on September 17th this year, so please look forward to it as a family. Our regular practice area, Kitakaze Park, is being reconstructed, so we will be taking buses to nearby Nijyuyonken Park and Noushi Park instead. It will be important to keep the children fit during this time period, but we hope you can help in this endeavor.

Recently, there have been changes made to the nationwide curriculum, particularly those of kindergartens and more emphasis is being placed on “non-cognitive skills”. These skills pertain to character, like having goals, trusting others, or keeping ones emotions in check. For functioning in society, these are all obvious skills. The opposite of them would be things like reading, arithmetic, and test taking, or skills you can see plainly. While we as teachers are very happy to see the kids learn English, or learn to ride a unicycle, there is actually a deep relationship between the physical results and the character skills that got them to the point of doing it. The effort put into developing these character skills early in life can really pay dividends later on for a child.

The type of environment that fosters character skills is one of “fun”. A relaxed environment allows children to take time to pursue the things they like or are interested in. It also allows to them to attempt to solve problems themselves. For Physical Festival, the children will try their hand at many different events. We ask that you lend them warm support and see how much more capable they have become. In the meantime, we teachers will do our best to continue to give the children an environment to grow in. We look forward to serving you in this term as well.
