夏休み中に様々な生活体験を積んで、心も身体も大きくたくましくなったお子さま達の歓声で、2学期がスタートしました。久しぶりの幼稚園に、元気いっぱい楽しかったことを教師にお話しするお子さま、友達との再会が嬉しくて、遊びに夢中のお子さま、そして緊張して「早く帰りたいビーム」を出しているお子さま、様々でしたが、始業式には背筋を伸ばし、しっかりと話を聞こうとするなど1学期に積んだ経験を立派に見せていた姿をみて、2学期のますますの成長が楽しみになりました。2学期は一年のうちで一番長い期間の教育経験期で、8月のCrops Thankgiving Day、9月のSports Festival、10月のHalloween、そして11月の表現フェスティバルと毎月大きなイベントがあります。それぞれのイベントに向かっての体験や学習の積み重ねが、お子さま達の身体機能を発達させ、知的能力をめざましく拡充させていくことでしょう。
とりわけ、9月に行われるSports Festivalは、本園の教育の柱である“基礎体力づくり”の経験が発揮される場です。昨今、子どもの体力、運動能力が低下し、体力がなくすぐに疲れたり、長い間姿勢を維持できず体のどこかを支えにして寄りかかっている子が多く見られたり、走る、跳ぶ、投げるなどの基本動作ができず両足で着地することがぎこちない、前転ができない、体をうまくつかってボールを投げられないなど、不器用なお子さまが増えてきているそうです。
IYKでは、Swimming lessonを始め、園庭や北風公園の外遊びで、手、腕、足を思い切り動かす経験と体力をつけ、クラスでは、縄跳びや一輪車、竹馬、マット、平均台、ボール、フラフープなど運動器具を使って、体をうまくコントロールできる運動活動をし、また普段の生活では、ぞうきんがけなど腕や足の筋肉を十分使って体を動かす経験などを増やし、体の様々なところを使う『感覚』を感じ、中枢神経の筋緊張をうまくコントロールできるような指導を行っております。
The children all had lots of experiences during summer vacation and returned for the second term well rounded. Some children are eager to tell the teachers what they did, some are happy to see their friends and play together, whilst others are nervous and can’t wait to get home. They all listened intently with good posture during the Opening Ceremony, showing how they’d matured since last term. The second term is the longest of the year, featuring Crops Thanksgiving Day in August, Sports Festival in September, Halloween in October, and Hyogen Festival in November. There is a big event in every month! Each of these events will be supported by lessons and activities so as to give the children the best possible chance to show how they have developed.
This is especially true for September’s Sports Festival, an event meant to showcase the children’s physical fitness, one of the pillars of the IYK curriculum. Recently, children’s physical fitness has been on the decline, with many lacking the stamina to do physical activities, hold a pose for long periods of time, or even do things like run, jump, do a forward roll, and throw well. In the regular course of moving our bodies, the central nervous system collects information then compares that with past experiences. We then decide how to react to this stimulus in the best way possible. However, this isn’t possible without “experience”. For example, children who can’t stand on one foot don’t have a lot of experience with “placing weight on one foot” and “taking weight off of the other foot”. These are just two of the eighty four different base actions that children are meant to learn during their early childhood.
Here at IYK, we use opportunities like swimming lessons and playing outside on the playground and Kitakaze park to give the children lots of experience moving their arms, legs, and hands, building physical fitness. In class, they use items like jump ropes, unicycles, tumbling mats, balance beams, balls, and hula hoops. These help them to develop control over their bodies. Even everyday activities, like wiping off a table, give them a chance to use their arms and hands. This all enhances their physical development so they can have better reflexes and experiences with physical activity.
Events at the sports festival like the foot race, games, bean bag toss, unicycles, stilts, jump rope and relay all serve as a platform for the children to show their development and growth achieved through experience. The children will all perform these activities in accordance with their age group. Please take the chance to compliment them for their efforts.
One of the key factors in physical fitness is the feet. Feet are almost treated like a second heart, because of the vital job that they do in pumping blood back up to the heart. When leg strength is well developed, it improves circulation and stamina as well. Doing work and play with one’s feet is important for personal health.
In conclusion, September 1st is Disaster Prevention Day. This is something we must be prepared for at any time. Starting with teacher training, we are taking steps to perfect the disaster prevention measures at the kindergarten.