December Birthday Party
Today was the birthday party for the children born in December. Once everyone had gathered together on the first floor, we began the party. The birthday friends marched in and sat in front of the whole kindergarten. Each child could use a big voice to say their name and age. We all sang ‘Happy Birthday’ and gave the presents. Today, each class brought gingerbread man cookies that they had made to give to Santa Claus. He has been feeling tired and needed more energy. The smell of the cookies brought Santa to IYK, but he was so tired! After eating all of the yummy cookies, Santa had gotten so fat that the sleigh would not move! To lose the weight, the whole kindergarten danced to ‘Jingle Bells’ and had a great time. Soon, Santa was slim again and flew away. But he soon came back with lots of presents for all of the children at the kindergarten. After handing them out, he flew off to deliver more presents around the world. Happy Birthday December friends!