HOMEMESSAGE FROM IYK > インターナショナル山の手幼稚園のInternationalization


暦の上では春を迎え、立春である2月3日には、鬼に扮した外国籍教員が幼稚園の1階、2階と忙しく走り回り、各クラスで豆をもったお子さま達が「おには〜外! ふくは〜内!」と元気に豆まきをする姿に思わず笑みがこぼれてしまいました。


 一方で、本園には7名の外国籍教員が常勤しているという、他の園にはない素晴らしい環境がありますので、お子さま達は日々英語の環境で生活しているだけではなく、特にイマージョンクラスでは外国籍教員それぞれの国の文化の話を聞き、他国への関心を高めたり、月一回のWorld lunc hでは、様々な国のごはんを食べ、同時にその国の言葉や文化などに触れたり(1月はフランスでBonjour!と挨拶をしたり、国の場所や国旗に触れたり、いくつかの有名な美術館があることなどを学びました)、こちらも月一回学年ごとに行われるNature Discover y では、各国の食文化について学んだりしています。


 菅原孝悦園長先生の好きな言葉に“Let’s enjoy English! ”という言葉があります。これには、「さあ、英語を楽しもうじゃないか!」と「さあ、英語を楽しませようじゃないか!」という二つの意味があるそうです。お子さま達は、楽しいことが大好き。楽しいことから興味が生まれ、後の習得につながります。もう一つ、お子さま達は、お父さま、お母さまの好きなこと、喜ぶこと、楽しむことは何でも好きになり、喜び、楽しんでくれます。“ 好きこそ物の上手なれ”、英語は楽しい、英語大好き!のお子さまを育てて、ご父母さまとともに英語環境を充実させていきたいと思っております。そして、最近の国際情勢、さらには日本国内の耳を疑うような犯罪に、幼児期の「心を育てる教育」がいかに重要かを改めて認識しております。ご父母さまのご期待に添えられる教育内容、そして人として大切な心の教育を大切に、新年度の教育体制を整えて参ります。


February has come and gone, and spring is right around the corner. On the 3rd, overseas dressed up as ogres and ran back and forth between the first and second floor, being pelted by beans. The kids really enjoyed taking part, crying out “Ogres get out, and good luck come in!”, with smiles on their faces.

The goal here of providing an international educational environment at International Yamanote Kindergarten isn’t simply to raise children who can speak English. Should they go abroad, or have interactions with foreign people, we want them to be able to understand the language as well as the culture, in order to facilitate smoother communication, and ultimately, a better understanding of each other. Even in Immersion classes traditional parts of Japanese culture are taught. Japanese songs are sung and picture books read to give them a chance to understand the contents in English as well as their native tongue. It is done in the hope that they can convey these cultural values in conversation when the need arises.

With seven overseas teachers here at the kindergarten, the children experience a unique and wonderful environment. It is not only limited to English exposure though, as with Immersion classes, they can learn foreign culture directly from their teacher. Once a month there is World Lunch, featuring common dishes from a different country each time, as well as some trivia. For example, in January we learned “Bonjour!”, French for “Hello!”, as well as the fact that France is home to many wonderful art museums. The monthly Nature Discovery events also expand on this, regularly featuring foreign recipes.

On top of that, in Immersion classes the stance of “teaching as much as possible in English” hasn’t changed. As a result, even the “Kindergarten Educational Guidelines” established by the educational minister are adhered to, and taught, in English. The children learn basic life skills, how to form relationships, and more, in English.

Our Principal Koetsu Sugawara loves the phrase “Let’s enjoy English!” This carries the meaning of “Let’s have fun with English!” as well as “Let’s let the kids enjoy English!” Children love to have fun, and become interested in things that are fun. Also kids like the things their parents like, and can grow to enjoy them. “It is easy to improve at something you like” is the phrase that comes to mind in aiming to raise kids who like English, and having an English-friendly environment at home can help this. And considering recent world events and crime, it is apparent that “Educating the heart” is very important in early childhood. To this effect, we are preparing a curriculum for the next year that can meet these expectations.

As a result of your cooperation and warm support, we were able to have a wonderful and productive year. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
