Today’s Class 1
Today in Class 1 it was the first day of the school year. Some of the children were nervous but started to have fun after playing with new toys and making new friends during Discovery Time. We did Junior exercise time with Class 2 and Class 3 and all the children in Class 1 had a lot of fun doing the baby bot dance. After this we did our first Morning Meeting and all the children could get their first sticker in their sticker books. Next we did Physical Time where the students jumped off a box and balanced on a thin bar, all the Class 1 children did so well and had big smiles on their faces. We then went to the toilet for the first time and the children learnt how to wash their hands. We then read the Very Hungry Caterpillar and got ready to go home. Once we had done the Goodbye Meeting and sung the Goodbye Song it was time to get on the bus or go to the gate to get picked up. Class 1 had lots of fun during their first day at the kindergarten and are excited to see what will happen tomorrow.