HOMECURRENT EVENTS > 体験入園 Open School Days 1日目

体験入園 Open School Days 1日目


Open School Day 1 was so much fun! It was great to see all of the children come to International Yamanote Kindergarten. The children could enjoy a nice English lesson as well as a fun music lesson. There were three hungry animals and the children helped give them fruit. We sang and danced to English songs too! The music lesson was enjoyable as well. The children could play with bells and sing a cute song about animals. After our lessons, the children and their families had yummy school lunch. Everyone played before having a goodbye meeting. We saw lots of happy faces today. Thank you for coming today! We look forward to seeing our friends again tomorrow!
 本日は、IYK体験入園にご参加いただき、ありがとうございました。たくさんのお友達や先生達とEnglish LessonやMusic Lessonを楽しみました。始めはドキドキしていたお子さま達も、徐々に笑顔になり、元気いっぱいに活動に参加してくれていましたよ。明日は、Class Activiyを体験していただき、英語をたくさん使って製作活動にChallengeです☆ 保護者さまには、幼稚園説明会を行います。楽しいことがまだまだ待っていますよ!明日も元気に遊びに来てくださいね。お待ちしております。